The book collection comprises monographs, reference books, dictionaries, serial publications, reports, novels etc.
The course books are the part of the collection, that contains the books mentioned as study materials in WebOodi.
Books can be in both print and online electronic format. However, most of the books are either printed or online. Only a part of the collection is available in both.

Printed and electronic versions of the books have separate records in UEF Primo. Links to electronic versions are displayed as 'Online access' - 'view full text'. Print version availability is shown as 'Location items'.
Open UEF Primo and use Library Catalog as a target while searching.
- Type the whole name of the book or essential parts of it. You can add the authors name too, if needed.
- example: principles of marketing kotler
- Searching books by the topic, it is sometimes useful to truncate the terms to include different word endings, too. Add the truncation mark * at the end of the root of the word.
- example: ideolog* (referring to ideology, ideologies, ideological)
- If you are searching books by a certain author, you will get a more precise result using the quotations marks.
- example: "tiffin helen"
How to find a book from a shelf
- Find a book on UEF Primo.
- See locations of the book.
- After campus library and loan period information, there is a location identifier, typically letters and numbers, for example P 65 or SNE LAIN HYLLY 65.
- Locate-link will open a map where you can see the placement of the shelf in the library.
- The word that the book is alphabetized on that shelf is told after the location identifier. In example, the word is author's last name, Komulainen.
Watch a video: How to find a course book in UEF Primo (1:33).
You can also find the location of the literature in your own discipline at the Joensuu campus library from the floor guides.
Serial monographs
When a location identifier contains a lower-case s (for example 37s) or a text 'SARJAT', it means, that the book is alphabetised to the shelf according to the name of the series. Inside the series, the parts are in numerical order. So you need the full name of the series and the number of that part, for instance: Joensuun yliopisto, kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan tutkimuksia, n:o 99.

Campus Libraries
There are three libraries: Joensuu Campus Library at Carelia building, Kuopio Campus Library in Snellmania building and KUH Medical Library in the hospital at the building A. The collections of campus libraries focus on the disciplines of campus. Books can be ordered from one campus to another via UEF Primo.
Further remarks about the collection
Main part of the book collection is either in Finnish or in English. Depending on the field of study, there can also be other languages as well.
A tip: using Finnish search terms will help you to find books also in other languages. English terms are effective especially when searching e-books. However, any language can be used while searching.