The UEF Library offers the learning materials used in its own courses openly for everyone, without logging in. The learning materials are cc-licensed.
UEF Library course materials
Searching for published scientific information and search techniques in general:
Searching for scientific publications in natural sciences, technology and forestry: search techniques and examples in valid databases. This course material is for undergraduate students:
Modules 1 and 2 of this course material for post-graduate students cover information retrieval:
An open learning material of the course Basics of research data management by UEF Library contains information about research data storing, processing, documentation, sharing and preserving. Writing a data management plan and legal issues about research data are included.
Bibliometrics for the University Community course is intended for anyone who works at the University of Eastern Finland and who needs to know about the evaluation of publications and the tools required for it, be it in their work or other activities. The material is suitable for self-study and can also be used as accompanying material for other courses that are aimed at users in University of Eastern Finland. The material provides an overview on the use of bibliometrics in the evaluation of scientific publishing and the tools available therein. The reader is not required to have previous knowledge of bibliometrics, but knowledge of scientific publishing culture and the operating environment of Finnish universities is necessary.
Basics of Open and Responsible Science is aimed at UEF and YUFE network graduate students, but the course material is usable to everyone.
The course covers the elementary issues of open science, not forgetting the responsibility of research.
An open course material of Research information retrieval and management deals with information retrieval, reference management, publishing and research visibility as well as assessment of research impact and bibliometrics. The course is a part of UEF Doctoral School studies.
In addition to learning materials, pay attention to the instructions and guides produced by the library for different situations.
Open learning materials from UEF Primo:
When searching for open course materials suitable for your own courses, you can explore freely available publications online at UEF Primo as follows:
- In UEF Primo, use the option ‘All e-resources' as the target of the search.
- Find the topic you want using keywords.
- Limit the search result to open materials: use the filter Availability - Open access.
If you only want to see books, use the filter to narrow down the search result: Resource type - Books, Book chapters.
Services of open learning materials searching and saving
From the Library of Open Educational Resources (OER), you can search for open learning materials produced in Finland at all levels of education. In OER, you can also save your own learning materials for others to use. The materials of OER can also be searched through search service.
There are several search engines where you can search for open textbooks and other learning materials internationally. Check the links to search engines in the Guide for open publications searching.
Open learning
Read more about open learning and teaching from UEF Open science -pages.