The research data management support of the University of Eastern Finland - UEF Data Support – provides services and training to assist UEF researchers in data management at various stages of the research project. We also provide DMP and DMPol commenting services at any point of your research (see further instructions, link will be added). The services are provided jointly by the Library, IT-services, Legal Affairs, Information Management Services, Data Protection and Information Security through a single service address.
If your question concerns, for example, planning of data management, judicial aspects of data management, storage space or sharing of research data, you can reach the right people by sending your question to
UEF Data Support organizes data management training, courses and offers open materials, see further below in sections Data Management Courses and Guides. Although UEF Data Support does not provide support for research methods, we try inform about the related training.
Data management support for the different phases of research
Data Management Courses and Guides (UEF)
For whom: UEF graduate students, UEF doctoral school
When: 16th of September 2024–5th of May 2025
Registration: Link to Peppi (registration for 2024–25 during 12th of August 2024 and 25th of April 2025)
Description: An optional course that forms part of the doctoral school studies at the University of Eastern Finland. The course covers, e.g., how to define research material and data, FAIR principles, ethics and data protection, metadata and documentation, data storage during the research and opening and storing data after the research. Description of the course is found in Peppi.
Material: UEF Library provides the learning material open for everybody. You can find the link to the material here, Basics of Research Data Management.
Language: Finnish/English
Organiser: UEF Library
For whom: UEF graduate students, YUFE network graduate students
When: 1st of September 2023–9th of June 2024
Registration: Link to Peppi (2023–24)
Description: An optional course, which forms part of the doctoral school studies at the University of Eastern Finland. The course introduces open science from two perspectives: open publishing and open research data. Description in Peppi (see registration).
Material: Open learning material Basics of Open and Responsible Science: Open Access Publishing and Research Data
Language: English
Organiser: Library in cooperation with UEF open science experts
For whom: UEF students starting their Master's thesis (gradu).
When: Twice the academic year.
Description: A part of Syventävät informaatiotaidot -course (8020370 1 ECT), including also, e.g., information retrieval and open science. The material for research data management is aimed at students who need the basics about RDM.
Material and link to the learning material: UEF Library provides open learning material, Aineistonhallinta opiskelijalle.
Language: Finnish
Organiser: Library in cooperation with UEF data protection specialist
For whom: UEF researchers applying for funding from the Research Council of Finland and anyone else interested in the topic.
When: Yearly in connection with the Research Council of Finland application. Follow UEF Viva Engage (ex-Yammer), e.g., Osaamisen kehittäminen ja henkilöstökoulutus - Staff development and staff training, UEF Tutkimusrahoitus // Research Funding, UEF Kirjasto | UEF Library.
Registration: We will provide the link here when registrations begin.
Description: Training introduces the basics of open science and how to take open science into account when applying for research funding (the basics of open publishing and data management and the guidelines of the Research Council of Finland).
Language: Finnish, English
Organiser: UEF Data Support
How to write a decent data management plan (DMP)?
For whom: UEF researchers applying for funding from the Academy of Finland and anyone else interested in the topic.
When: Yearly in connection with the Academy of Finland application. Follow UEF Viva Engage (ex-Yammer), e.g., Osaamisen kehittäminen ja henkilöstökoulutus - Staff development and staff training, UEF Tutkimusrahoitus // Research Funding, UEF Kirjasto | UEF Library.
Summer 2024 schedule: 18.6.2024 (in Finnish) and 19.6.2024 (in English)
Registration: No preregistration.
Link to 18.6.2024 Teams (Finnish)
Link to 19.6.2024 Teams (English)
Description: We go through the basics of the Data Management Plan and the guidelines and requirements according to the Academy of Finland.
Language: Finnish, English
Organiser: UEF Data Support
In addition to the annual training and courses, UEF Data Support offers themed or tailored training on various topics in data management.
Themed trainings focus on various aspects of research data management, such as secure processing and storage of data in UEF or contracts and intellectual property rights (IPR) in the context of international research projects. Follow the UEF Viva Engage (ex-Yammer), e.g., Osaamisen kehittäminen ja henkilöstökoulutus - Staff development and staff training, UEF Tutkimusrahoitus // Research Funding, UEF Kirjasto | UEF Library.
Tailored trainings are planned and implemented based on your wishes, for example, for an individual researcher or a research group. Please feel free to ask more about the different options from!
Examples of tailored trainings
Opening research data: Training (1 h) covers topics related to opening and licensing research data, such as the benefits of opening research data, different degrees of opening data, Creative Commons licenses, what should be considered when opening research data and where research data can be opened.
Opening and licensing source code: Training (1 h) covers opening code and programming/computational environment. In addition, the training has introduced the most common licenses of open source codes (MIT, GNU General Public).
Guides and materials produced by others
Data Management Guidelines (Finnish Social Science Data Archive - FSD)
- A comprehensive manual produced by FSD to support data management.
Making a research project understandable - Guide for data documentation
- Comprehensive guidance in English for documenting research data.
- To cite: Siiri Fuchs and Mari Elisa Kuusniemi (2018) Making a research project understandable - Guide for data documentation [Online]. Available at: doi:10.5281/zenodo.1914401.
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
- Research ethics guidelines on responsible conduct of research (RCR), produced by the Advisory Board on Research Integrity.
- The guidlines also note the perspective of handling and managing research data.
- The 15 FAIR principles, published in 2016, contribute to the reusability of research data.
- The principles are compiled by FORCE11, a community of researchers, librarians and research funders.
FAIR principles (Fairdata/CSC)
- A compilation of FAIR principles produced by CSC as part of the service package (also in Finnish).
- There is also an informative video on the website.
Data management checklist (Fairdata/CSC)
- Guidelines for research data management produced by CSC as part of the service package.
Research data management -course (CSC)
- Self-study material management course in English produced by CSC.
- Requires HAKA or ELIXIR login.