The multidisciplinary doctoral programme in Welfare, Health and Management (WELMA) brings together two faculties and four departments of the UEF. Within the strategy of the University of Eastern Finland, the WELMA doctoral programme has strong links with the research fields: Welfare ruptures and Effectiveness of social and health care. The purpose of the doctoral programme is to produce researchers and specialists in the areas of welfare and social and health care and to strengthen the theoretical and methodological basis and the philosophy of science in this field.
Note: The Welma doctoral programme will be discontinued as of January 1, 2025. The application period for the Welma doctoral programme is open until November 30. As of January 1, 2025, Welma's main subjects can be found under the following doctoral programmes:
Doctoral Programme of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Research areas in the doctoral programme
Research in WELMA doctoral programme WELMA is multidisciplinary doctoral programme and it is related to four different departments (psychology, social and health management, social sciences and school of humanities) in UEF. The programme focuses on the issues surrounding welfare ruptures, the effectiveness of social and health care and steering. You will find more information of research themes, research projects and research groups from the webpages of each department.
How to apply?
Doctor of Philosophy, logopedics; all major subjects mentioned below.
Licentiate of Arts (Psychology) and Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology), Major subject: Psychology For entry to the degree, the applicant must have completed a Masters degree majoring in psychology or another corresponding degree and providing the applicant with a professional licence to work as a psychologist.
Licentiate and Doctor of Health Sciences, Major subjects: Health and Human Services Informatics, Health Management Science, Health Economics.
Licentiate and Doctor of Social Sciences, Major subjects: Health and Human Services Informatics, Social Management Science, Social Pedagogy, Social Psychology, Social Work, Sociology and Social Policy.
The student admission criteria for doctoral degree studies are a Master's degree and advanced studies in a major subject included in the doctoral degree programme, or another relevant subject or relevant degree completed abroad. Advanced studies as defined in regulation (794/2004, Chapter 3, Section 15). Only the research plans of applicants who meet the application criteria will be evaluated.
- Quality of the research plan: clarity, innovativeness, feasibility, implementation method and consideration of ethical questions.
- Scientific and social relevance of the research topic and links to the profile of the doctoral programme.
- Evidence of previous research: such as grades of final papers / thesis, publications, work experience, obtained funding, international orientation and proficiency in languages.
- Sufficient resources for supervision: Students applying for the doctoral programme must be able to name at least one supervisor from the programme. External supervisors are also admitted.
- Further details on selections criteria, instructions for making application and attachments required can be found in Studyinfo-service.
Eligible applicants for doctoral studies must have sufficient English skills in order to complete the doctoral studies.
The applicant can verify her/his English skills with an attachment to the application. These attachments must include a degree diploma, transcript of studies and a Diploma Supplement if the applicant has:
- English as foreign language included in at least a Bachelor-level degree conducted in a Nordic country (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) or in an EU/EEA country;
- At least 20 ECTS university-level studies in the subject of English Studies completed in a Nordic or in an EU/EEA country.
- Master's thesis written in English when Master's degree is completed in a Nordic country or in an EU/EEA country;
- Bachelor's or Master's degree completed in English language in a Nordic country or in an EU/EEA country or Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States;
- Doctoral Degree completed in a Nordic country or in an EU/EEA country or Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States;
- Secondary education and final examination completed in English (for example International Baccalaureate) in a Nordic country or in an EU/EEA country or Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States.
In other case, the applicant is to prove her/his language skills in English with an English language test:
- TOEFL paper-based: Total score 600 and Writing 4.0;
- TOEFL Internet-based: Total Score 100 and Writing 22; The Special Home Edition of TOEFL iBT is also accepted.
- IELTS (Academic): on paper, on computer or online, overall Score 6.5 and Writing 5.5
- PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English), on paper, on computer or online, min. 59 points;
- C1 Advanced (CAE), pass levels A, B or C / C2 Proficiency (CPE), pass levels A, B, C or level C1 Certificate;
- National Certificate of Language Proficiency (YKI). Skills level 5 or 6 in the reading comprehension, writing and speaking subtests.
For more information on the tests, please contact the language testing organizations.
Please note that a written statement by the applicant, prospective supervisor, English teacher, etc., concerning the applicant's English skills is not an acceptable way to prove language skills.
Supplementary studies:
If the applicant's prior education is from a field not included in the major subjects of the WELMA doctoral programme, the student may be required to complete supplementary studies in her/his new major subject. The students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies may be required to complete supplementary studies of no more than 30 ECTS. The students of the Philosophical Faculty may be required to complete supplementary studies from their new field for a maximum of 60 ECTS. Possible supplementary studies are specified when the right to doctoral studies is granted and they cannot be included in the doctoral degree.
When applying for doctoral degree studies, a research plan must be enclosed with the application. Prepare the research plan carefully, because it measures the skills and competencies of the applicant for the doctoral education. Please note, that the research plan is an independent document by the applicant, but he Professor who has agreed as to be your supervisor will give you good advice. The actual guidance will start after you have been admitted and registered to the university. The research plan must cover the entire licentiate thesis or doctoral dissertation. If the research topic and materials change substantially, a new plan must be made. If the changes are significant, approval must be sought from the faculty. The research plan is usually drafted in Finnish or English and must include a list of references.
Examples of research plan
Example 1: The research plan should contain
- starting points and theoretical basis of the research, previous research
- aims of the research, research tasks and questions, ethical issues
- research methods and data, administration of data
- working plan, working plan for part of the tasks
- schedule and funding plan
- publication plan
- evaluation of opportunities to exploit the results of the research, societal significance of the research results
- The extent of the plan is about 10 pages.
Example 2: (from UEF DS Curricula, autumn term 2012)
1. Title of the research and the name and contact information of the postgraduate student
2. Background
- a short summary of the background to the research with necessary sources (including the theoretical and methodological basis)
- a description of earlier research related to the topic
- a description of what remains unknown about the research topic and an explanation of the research's relevance on a national and/or international scale
3. Aims
- the research hypotheses
- the aims of the research clearly defined and presented
4. Materials and methods
- a description of the research methods and materials used, and the grounds for choosing the particular methods
- a description of how the materials will be handled and used (also after the research has been completed)
- a working plan, a plan for different stages of the work
5. Schedule and funding plans
- a description and a schedule for the different stages of the work
- the funding plan and funding sources of the research
6. The ethical aspects of the research
- the ethical aspects of the research (e.g. whether the research requires statements from ethics sommittees or statutory research permits; possible permits should be attached to the research plan)
7. Publication Plan
- the means and mode of publishing and/or presenting the research results
8. Applications of research results
- an estimation of the applications and the social significance of the research results
9. References
- a list of the research field's principal literature used for the research
10. the names of the persons and units participating in the research project
11. The supervisor(s) signature(s)
The right to pursue doctoral studies does not include funding or a contract of employment or teaching tasks at the University. However, full-time doctoral students need funding to cover their costs of living and potential research costs (travel costs, research material etc.). Funding options should be discussed with the supervisor already when planning to apply for a doctoral study right and creating a research plan.
Doctoral studies can be funded for example by a scholarship, by working as a researcher in a research project, by working as a doctoral candidate at the University of Eastern Finland (doctoral student position), or by studying part-time while at work. Doctoral students apply for funding themselves.
Read more about funding options of doctoral studies on Kamu Student handbook.
Councelling in academic matters, supervision and research topics
Philosophical Faculty
Psychology: Professor Kirsi Honkalampi
Psychology: University lecturer Matti Kuittinen
Logopedics: Professor Marja Laasonen
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Department of Social and Health Management: Professor Johanna Lammintakanen
Social Management Science: Professor Sanna Laulainen
Health Management Science: Professor Johanna Lammintakanen
Health and Human Services Informatics: Professor Ulla-Mari Kinnunen
Health Economics: Professor Ismo Linnosmaa
Department of Social Sciences: the Head of department Professor Timo Toikko
Social pedagogy: Professor Arto Salonen
Social work: Professor Riitta Vornanen
Social psychology: Professor Eerika Finell
Sociology & social policy: Professor Ilpo Helén
Sosiology: professor Anna-Maija Castrén
Public and Social Policy: professor Eeva Jokinen
The Board of the Doctoral Programme Head of the Programme
Professor Johanna Lammintakanen (substitute member Professor Sanna Laulainen)
Professor Riitta Vornanen (substitute member Professor Arto Salonen)
Professor Ismo Linnosmaa (substitute member Professor Ulla-Mari Kinnunen)
University Lecturer Marja Alastalo (substitute member Professor Eerika Finell)
Professor Kirsi Honkalampi (substitute member Professor Marianna Virtanen)
Professor Marja Laasonen (substitute member University Lecturer Anna-Leena Martikainen)
Student member, early stage researcher Anna-Kaisa Vartiainen (substitute member early stage researcher Marika Kontturi)
Secretary of the board, amanuensis, Salla Lappalainen
Application period
The application form for the Doctoral Programme on is open during the spring semester from the beginning of January until the last weekday of May, and during the autumn semester from the beginning of August until the last weekday of November. Always check the exact application deadlines from Prepare the attachments required for the application carefully before submitting the application. Applications are processed as needed during the semester, and the granted study right begins in the same semester.
FALL 2024 Application: The Studyinfo service will have a maintenance break on Friday, November 29th from 9:00 to 16:00, and the application deadline has therefore been extended to November 30th.
What is is the official national admissions portal with all the up-to-date information about study programmes leading to a degree in Finland.
The degree consists of a licentiate thesis or a doctoral dissertation and 50 ECTS (from 1 August 2024 onwards, 30 ECTS) of studies supporting research and professional competence. The curriculum details are available in the Study Guide of student information system Peppi.
Courses for doctoral students are organized by doctoral programmes, faculties and the Doctoral School of UEF.
The doctoral dissertation demonstrates the students in-depth knowledge of the field of research, related fields and the philosophy of science. Furthermore, the dissertation demonstrates his or her ability to apply the methods of scientific research in practice, both independently, and critically in his or her field of research as well as independently to generate new information.
One of the following can be accepted as a doctoral dissertation:
- A monograph (a separate piece of research). A monograph is a work based on the research project by the doctoral student. It is a coherent and independent study and should contain the data and methodology used and the results as a whole.
- An article-based dissertation (a collection of research articles):
Please see the requirements for an article-based dissertation in Kamu:
Requirements of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
- More detailed information about the evaluation and publishing processes can be found at the above-mentioned pages.
If you have questions about applying for the doctoral programme, please contact:
You can find information for different phases in the doctoral education on Kamu Student handbook:
- Doctoral education at the University of Eastern Finland
- Starting doctoral education
- Doctoral curriculum and study requirements
- Internationalisation in doctoral education
- Guidance and support in doctoral education
- Support for doctoral research
- Funding of doctoral education
- Wellbeing of doctoral researcher
- Permission for public examination and pre-examination of doctoral dissertation
- Publishing of doctoral dissertation
News and events
Dissertation press releases
Further information on the doctoral programme
If you have questions, please contact our applicant guidance services: