The Doctoral Conferment Ceremony is a way for the University of Eastern Finland to show its appreciation for persons who have completed a doctoral degree. For doctorate holders, on the other hand, the Ceremony is an opportunity to celebrate their academic achievements. In the Doctoral Conferment Ceremonies also honorary doctorates are conferred upon scientifically or socially distinguished persons representing the university's disciplines.
In the Doctoral Conferment Ceremony the doctors get the right to carry the doctoral regalia, which at the University of Eastern Finland comprise the doctoral hat, the doctoral emblem used by all doctors, and the doctoral diploma. In addition to the actual Doctoral Conferment Ceremony, the three-day festivities include a procession, banquet and ball as well as cruise with lunch.
The degree ceremony emphasizes the high value of education. In the Finnish language, the word for the Ceremonial Conferment of Degrees is "promootio" from the Latin "promovere", to move forwards, to make an advance, to promote. Many traditions of the Finnish academic community today are deeply rooted in the history of the Academia Aboensis, the university founded in Turku in 1640 by the Swedish Queen Christina. The first degree ceremony of Finland was held in 1643 when ten Candidates of Philosophy were awarded the Master's degree. This tradition, now largely forgotten elsewhere, still flourishes in Finland in all its central features.
The next doctoral conferment ceremony of the University of Eastern Finland will be organised in Kuopio on 5-7 June, 2025.
Registration is open!
Preliminary programme for the Kuopio conferment ceremony 5.-7.6.2025.
Only those invited and registered may attend the ceremony. Exceptions to this are Studia Generalia on Thursday 5 June from 13.00 to 15.30, which is open to the public. The public will also have the opportunity to follow the progress of the procession along the route on Friday 6 June.

Insignias of the doctoral status
Doctoral hat
At the University of Eastern Finland, the doctoral regalia comprise the doctoral hat, the doctoral emblem used by all doctors, and the doctoral diploma. Doctors should purchase their own hat. The hats are made by hand according to the doctor's individual measurements, thus it is important to order the hat in good time before the conferment ceremony. You can find further information on how to purchase the hat published in the Practical instructions section.
The hat has been one part of the doctoral insignia since the Middle Ages. It is a symbol of scholarship and freedom of research. In the conferment ceremonies of the University of Eastern Finland, the colour of hat is black in all other fields except for medicine and dentistry (dark green), theology (purple), and law (dark red).

Doctoral emblem
The UEF's doctoral emblem represents torch-bearers of the world of science. According to Visual Designer Jussi Jokinen "doctors are the torch-bearers of the world of science. After having their doctoral diplomas conferred upon them, they take their knowledge further. The torch also symbolises the responsibility and status of doctors in a cultural continuum". The doctoral emblem of the University of Eastern Finland will be used in the doctoral hat, in doctoral diplomas and diploma boxes, as well as in various contexts in doctoral conferment ceremonies.

Conferment Book (matrikkeli)
The conferment book is published before the ceremonies. It includes short CVs and portrait photographs of the doctors and honorary doctors.
Conferrer of Degrees (promoottori)
Each faculty has chosen one of the senior professors to act as the Conferrer of Degrees.
Head Marshal (yliairut)
Head Marshal trains and supervises the marshals working in the Degree Ceremony.
Honorary Doctor (kunniatohtori)
Doctor honoris causa. The university honours some distinguished scientists or influential members of society with the award of an Honorary Doctorate.
Marshals (airuet)
Students or university employees who assist the Master of Ceremonies and the Head Marshal during the ceremonies.
Master of Ceremonies (juhlamenojen ohjaaja)
Professor conducting the ceremonies.
The first young doctor whose degree is conferred in the ceremony. Primus is usually chosen according to his/her excellent merits in the field of research.
The Latin name for the doctors who will be awarded degrees in this ceremony.
The second young doctor who receives special attention during the ceremonies. Ultimus is usually chosen according to his/her outstanding merits in the field of teaching or social activities.
Practical instructions
Registration for the conferment ceremonies at the University of Eastern Finland Kuopio campus will open in autumn 2024.
E.R. Wahlman's measuring session for ordering hats at the Kuopio campus on Thursday 30.1. from 15pm-18pm and on Friday 31.1. from 10am-13pm. Place Snellmania SN101.
Doctors are expected to independently purchase a doctoral hat and an emblem to be attached to it. The emblem is usually purchased via the hat store. In the doctoral conferment ceremonies of the University of Eastern Finland, the colour of the hat is specific to a discipline. The colour of the doctoral hat is black in all other fields except for medicine and dentistry (dark green), theology (purple), and law (dark red).
The emblem, generally also referred to as the lyre, is attached to the velvet ribbon of the doctoral hat. Besides the doctoral emblem of the University of Eastern Finland, also the emblems of the University of Joensuu and the University of Kuopio may be used.
It is wise to order the hat well before the doctoral conferment ceremony, as it is manufactured by hand to fit personal measurements, which are usually taken in the hat store. Further instructions on how to take the measurements can be obtained from hat manufacturers. It is also possible to use a borrowed hat in the doctoral conferment ceremony. However, the above instructions on the discipline-specific colours and doctoral emblem need to be observed also when using a borrowed hat. Furthermore, the hat needs to be of a correct size in order to sit well on the doctor's head in the doctoral conferment ceremony.
Hat manufacturers
There are several hat manufacturers who make doctoral hats. In addition to the traditional Wahlman hat store and Finnish milliners, there are also other alternatives. The manufacturers differ from one another with regard to the materials used, the place and method of manufacturing, and the price of the hat.
Below you will find contact details of some manufacturers who make doctoral hats:
- Hattuliike E. R. Wahlman Oy (Helsinki),
- Hattuateljee Lyolène (Helsinki), modisti Kirsti Valtonen,
- Hattuateljee Memmu Lankila (Helsinki),
- Hattuliike Kristiina, modisti Kristiina Kivelä (Turku), email:
- Ab Melanders Hattfabrik Oy (Helsinki),
- Tohtorinhatut Harvest EB, Several partner companies in Finland.
The dress code of the doctoral conferment ceremony is very specific, and all participants are expected to follow the instructions. There are different rules for different participant groups (1. Promovendi / Honorary Doctors and doctors to be conferred a degree upon; 2. Companions and other guests). All participants involved in the Conferment Ceremony have the right to follow the dress code of the gender they identify with.
Decorations should be worn in the doctoral conferment ceremony and in the banquet and ball.
Please be considerate of others and use perfumes and fragrances moderately also in the conferment festivities.
1. Promevendi
Thursday evening (conferment ceremony rehearsal and the evening party with hat fitting ceremony)
- A dark suit in black, dark blue or dark grey colour. OR
- A dress, jacket and skirt, or trouser suit in a colour of your choice.
Friday's doctoral conferment ceremony and procession
Academic black dresses and tailcoats.
- A tailcoat with a black vest, a white bow tie, black socks, black shoes, white gloves. No handkerchief is used. OR
- A full-length black dress with a closed neckline and long sleeves. The fabric of the dress may not be see-through. If the dress has short sleeves, a black, long-sleeved jacket may be worn with it. Black gloves, black socks or stockings, and black shoes. No flashy jewellery, fur accessories or hand bags should be worn in the doctoral conferment ceremony or in the conferment ceremony service.
The doctoral hat is mandatory for newly minted doctors.
Those who will be conferred upon a doctor's degree in Theology, may also wear a clerical costume. The doctoral sword of the University of Joensuu or the robe of the University of Kuopio are not to be used.
Friday's banquet and ball
Male doctors should change their black vest to a white one. If no decorations are used, a handkerchief should be worn.
Female doctors wear a black, full-length evening dress. The dress may have an open neckline, and it may be short-sleeved, sleeveless or strapless. Jewellery and small hand bags may be used in the banquet and ball. National costume is also allowed.
Saturday's Conferment excursion and lunch
For all participants the dress code is more informal: everybody may use informal summer wear (weather permitting!) and there are no restrictions as regards the colour of clothing. It is possible to wear a student cap, if applicable.
2. Partners and other guests
Guests may wear a (dress) uniform in all events at the doctoral conferment ceremony, but national costumes should not be worn in these academic festivities.
Thursday evening (evening party with hat fitting ceremony)
Men should wear a dark suit in black, dark blue or dark grey colour. Women should wear a dress, jacket and skirt, or trouser suit in a colour of their choice.
Friday's doctoral conferment ceremony and procession
Partners and guests should not use gloves or hats, except for possible doctoral hats, which will be placed on head during the conferment ceremony act following the example of the head conferrer of degrees.
Male partners and male guests wear a tailcoat with a black vest, or, instead of a tailcoat, a black suit. A bow tie or a grey tie should be worn with the suit. No handkerchief is used.
Female partners and female guests should wear a black, long-sleeved dress with a closed neckline and knee-lenght at minimum.
Friday's banquet and ball
Male guests switch into a white vest or, alternatively, wear a black suit.
Female guests should wear a non-black full-length evening dress. The dress may have an open neckline, and it may be short-sleeved or sleeveless. Jewellery and small handbags may be used in the banquet and ball. National costume is also allowed.
Saturday's Conferment excursion and lunch
The dress code is more informal. Everybody may wear informal summer wear (weather permitting!) and there are no restrictions as regards the colour of clothing. It is possible to wear a student cap, if applicable.
Doctors participating in the Doctoral Conferment Ceremony are expected to take care of their own travel and accommodation arrangements and to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. For Honorary Doctors, the arrangements will be taken care of by the university.
Scandic Kuopio (where the Banquet will take place)
Scandic Kuopio (Satamakatu 1) offers a quota of both Standard and Superior rooms.
Standard room (prices incl. VAT)
- Single: 139 € / night
- Double/twin: 159 € / night
Superior room (price incl. VAT)
- Single: 159 € / night
- Double/twin: 179 € / night
Reservations can be made with code BITA040625 online ( BITA040625) or by phone (tel. +358 200 81800)
The rooms can be booked for contract prices until 5 May 2025 or as available. You are expected to pay for your room in cash or by credit/debit card.
Individual room reservations booked with a reservation code can be cancelled free of charge by 18:00 on the day of arrival. To confirm the reservation, the guest must provide the hotel with valid credit card details. Rooms are subject to availability at the hotel, the hotel reserves the right to unilaterally close the availability of the promotional rate.
The photo of the conferred doctor will be published in the Conferment Book. Primarily the photo taken for your dissertation press release by the university's Communications and Media Relations Office will be used in the Conferment Book.
In case you want some other photo to be used in the Book, please send the new photo (at minimum 10 x 15 cm, 300 dpi, plain background) by 29 February 2025 to the Conferment Ceremony Coordinator,
The conferment ceremony ball, held on Friday evening after the banquet, is an impressive event among the conferment ceremony festivities. In the ball, the newly conferred doctors dance, for example, Polonaise and other festive dances. Participation in the ball is not mandatory, but highly recommended. The more there are dancers, the more impressive and festive the ball will be. The dances and choreography will be rehearsed in advance to make sure that the dances are performed well and that the participants can enjoy this impressive and fun event.
Preliminary enrollment for the dance rehearsals and the ball is possible with the conferment registration form. More information on dance rehearsals and attending the ball will be sent later to primarily enrolled persons. It is possible to join the ball and the rehearsals with your own companion, or you may request a student marshal as your dancing partner.
Dance rehearsals are held at the Ala-Pyörö School.
Address: Kulmakatu 7, 70820 Kuopio
Sunday 6.4.2025 at 12-14 pm
Sunday 13.4.2025 at 12-14 pm
Sunday 11.5.2025 at 12-14 pm
Sunday 25.5.2025 at 12-15 pm
Wednesday 4.6. general rehearsals at Kuopio Music Centre. The time will be specified later.
Honorary Doctors
An Honorary Doctorate is the highest distinction the university may confer upon a person. In Doctoral Conferment Ceremony 2024 the three faculties operating on the Joensuu Campus have selected 14 scientifically or socially distinguished persons upon whom an Honorary Doctorate will be conferred.
Conferment Ceremony on Kuopio Campus 2022
Faculty of Science and Forestry
- Professor Alan J. Grodzinsky, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
- Professor Erkki Somersalo, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
- Secretary General Petteri Taalas, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
- Professor Ralf Zimmermann, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
Faculty of Health Sciences
- Professor Kim L.R. Brouwer, Honorary Doctor in Pharmacy
- Professor Anne Marie Rafferty, Honorary Doctor in Health Sciences
- Professor Gabriël JE Rinkel, Honorary Doctor in Medicine
- Dance artist, professor Jorma Uotinen, Honorary Doctor in Health Sciences
- Professor Pekka Vallittu, Honorary Doctor in Dentistry
- Professor Masayuki Yamamoto, Honorary Doctor in Medicine
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
- Director General, vuorineuvos (a Finnish honorary title) Mikko Helander, Honorary Doctor in Business Studies
- Director Patricia Flatley Brennan, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
- Professor Zhao Fang, Honorary Doctor in Social Sciences
Conferment Ceremony on Joensuu Campus 2019
Philosophical Faculty
- Rock Musician Ismo Alanko, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
- Distinguished Professor Emeritus Steven Feld, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
- Emeritus Bishop Wille Riekkinen, Honorary Doctor in Theology
- Professor Shirley Simon, Honorary Doctor in Educational Sciences
Faculty of Science and Forestry
- Rector Hubert Hasenauer, Honorary Doctor in Forestry and Agriculture
- Professor Ülo Niinemets, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
- Professor Alain Tremeau, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
- Kauppaneuvos Harri Broman, Honorary Doctor in Business Studies
- Governor Erkki Liikanen, Honorary Doctor in Social Sciences
- Deputy Parliamentary Ombudsman Maija Sakslin, Honorary Doctor in Law
- Professor Beverley Skeggs, Honorary Doctor in Social Sciences
- Emeritus Professor Leo Suni, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
Conferment Ceremony on Kuopio Campus 2015
Faculty of Science and Forestry
- Professor Richard C. Flagan, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
- Professor Christian McDonald Langton, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
- Teollisuusneuvos Heikki Väänänen, Honorary Doctor in Agriculture and Forestry
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
- Professor Staffan Höjer, Honorary Doctor in Social Sciences
- Dr Virginia K. Saba, Honorary Doctor in Health Sciences
- Professor Robyn Thomas, Honorary Doctor in Economics and Business Administration
Faculty of Health Sciences
- Professor Tamás Freund, Honorary Doctor in Medicine
- Professor Göran K. Hansson, Honorary Doctor in Medicine
- Academy Professor Sirpa Jalkanen, Honorary Doctor in Medicine
- Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President of the European Commission, Honorary Doctor in Philosophy
- Forensic Dentist Helena Ranta, Honorary Doctor in Dentistry
- Professor Graham Russell, Honorary Doctor in Pharmacy
Conferment Ceremony on Joensuu Campus 2014
Philosophical Faculty
- Petra Engelbrecht
- Kersti Juva
- Bernd Kortmann
- Miia Rannikmäe
- Alice-Mary Talbot
Faculty of Science and Forestry
- Zhores I. Alferov
- Tuomo Kauranne
- Sergey P. Tunik
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
- Eiki Berg
- Reijo Karhinen
- Lauri Tarasti
- Klaus Töpfer
Conferment ceremony 2009
Faculty of Bioscience
- Eero Helle, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Hannele Pokka, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Humanities
- Mikko Savolainen, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Aili Nenola, Filosofian Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Education
- Lea Pulkkinen, Doctor of Education H.C.
- Marlene Scardamalia, Doctor of Education H.C.
Faculty of Law, Economics and Business Administration
- Juhani Meriläinen, Doctor of Administrative Sciences H.C.
- Ma Keqing, Doctor of Economics and Business Administration H.C.
Faculty of Science
- Erkko Kajander, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Leon Petrosyan, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Forest Sciences
- Pentti Hakkila, Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry H.C.
Faculty of Theology
- Martin Tamcke, Doctor of Theology H.C.
Faculty of Social Sciences and Regional Studies
- Devorah Kalekin-Fishman, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
Conferment ceremony 2004
Faculty of Humanities
- Anna-Leena Siikala, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Tuomo Tuomi, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Education
- Eeva Ahtisaari, Doctor of Education H.C.
- Patrick James Dillon, Doctor of Education H.C.
Faculty of Science
- Toshimitsu Asakura, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Leena Peltonen-Palotie, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Forest Sciences
- Paavo Lipponen, Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry H.C.
- Birger Solberg, Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry H.C.
Faculty of Theology
- Leo Archbishop, Doctor of Theology H.C.
- Jukka Paarma, Doctor of Theology H.C.
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Jean Guichard, Doctor of Psychology H.C.
- Andrew Harvey, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
Conferment ceremony 1999
Faculty of Humanities
- Gustav Björkstrand, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Peter Katjavivi, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Pekka Laaksonen, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Education
- Nina Predtechenskaya, Doctor of Education H.C.
- Isto Ruoppila, Doctor of Education H.C.
Faculty of Science
- Olli Lehto, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Martti Mäenpää, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Forest Sciences
- Matti Korhonen, Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry H.C.
- Sune Linder, Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry H.C.
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Pierre Bourdieu, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
- Anne Buttimer, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Pekka Hallberg, Doctor of Administrative Sciences H.C.
Conferment ceremony 1989
Faculty of Humanities
- Jean-Luc Moreau, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Pertti Virtaranta, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Education
- Helmut Breuer, Doctor of Education H.C.
- Karl-Gustaf Stukát, Doctor of Education H.C.
Faculty of Science
- Kalervo Laurikainen, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Rauno Ruuhijärvi, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Forest Sciences
- Aarne Nyyssönen, Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry H.C.
- Juhan Ross, Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry H.C.
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Eino Karhu, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
- Michael Young, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
Conferment ceremony 1979
- Aleksei Zerbin, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Matti Kuusi, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Urho Kekkonen, Doctor of Education H.C.
- Esa Timonen, Doctor of Education H.C.
- Torsten Husén, Doctor of Education H.C.
- Helge Gyllenberg, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Ilmari Hustich, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Conferment ceremony 2010
Honorary Doctors of the University of Kuopio
- Martti Ahtisaari, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
- Ritva-Liisa Pohjalainen, Doctor of Economy and Business Administration H.C.
- Pekka Puska, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
A. I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences
- John F. Martin, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
- Ole Petter Ottersen, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
Faculty of Pharmacy
- Per Artursson, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
- Liisa Turakka, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
Faculty of Business and Information Technology
- Silvia Gherardi, Doctor of Economy and Business Administration H.C.
- Erkki Oja, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Ilkka Virtanen, Doctor of Economy and Business Administration H.C.
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
- Ernst B. Hunziker, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Juhani Ruotsalainen, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Medicine
- Rudolph Tanzi, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
- Kai Simons, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Sirkka Lauri, Doctor of Health Sciences H.C.
- Steven Shardlow, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
Conferment ceremony 2005
A. I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences
- Petteri Karttunen, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Ian Wilmut, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Pharmacy
- Hans-Dieter Höltje, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
- Masahiko Negishi, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
Faculty of Business and Information Technology
- Jean-Pierre Babary, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Patrick J. Dowling, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
- Erkki Jatila, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Jouko Tuomisto, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Medicine
- Riitta Hari, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
- Alice H. Lichtenstein, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Vamik D. Volkan, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Eberhard J. C. Dülfer, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
- Päivi Setälä, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
- Alan Williams, Doctor of Health Sciences H.C.
Conferment ceremony 2000
A. I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences
- Claudio Cuello, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
- Jorma Kalevi Huuhtanen, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
Faculty of Pharmacy
- Francis C. Szoka, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
- Hannu Tapani Turakka, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
- Jay van Huizen Huner, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Jorma Rantanen, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Herman P. Schwan, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Medicine
- Ezio Giacobini, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
- Vincent C. Hascall Jr., Doctor of Medicine H.C.
- Jussi Kalervo Huttunen, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Elina Haavio-Mannila, Doctor of Health Sciences H.C.
- Claus Mühlfeld, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
Conferment ceremony 1996
Faculty of Pharmacy
- John Doull, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
- Valentino J. Stella, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
- Brian Flannigan, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- George Hanek, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Medicine
- Konrad T. Beyreuther, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
- Robert Michael Blaese, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
- Martti Juhani Karvonen, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
- László Módis, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
- Lester Packer, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
- Jouni Jorma Juhani Uitto, Doctor of Medicine H.C.
Faculty of Dental Science
- Edvitar Leibur, Doctor of Dental Science H.C.
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Mary E. Duffy, Doctor of Community Health H.C.
- Oswald Hahn, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
- Kauko Aarno Artturi Heuru, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
Conferment ceremony 1991
Faculty of Pharmacy
- Fritz Müller, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
- Matti Kustaa Paasonen, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
Faculty of Dental Science
- Franz Sutter, Doctor of Dental Science H.C.
- Donald William Warren, Doctor of Dental Science H.C.
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
- Jaak Järv, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Benjamin Liu, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Viljo Johannes Orpana, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
Faculty of Medicine
- Niilo Hallman, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
- Arisztid G.B. Kovach, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
- Geoffrey Arthur Rose, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
- Piero Tosi, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
Faculty of Social Sciences
- Olli Mikko Castrén, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
- Madeleine M. Leininger, Doctor of Community Health H.C.
- Mikko Ilmari Niemi, Doctor of Community Health H.C.
- Jürgen Zerche, Doctor of Social Sciences H.C.
Conferment ceremony 1982
- Henry W. Blackburn, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
- Francesco di Castri, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Seymor Stanley Cohen, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Katri-Helena Eskelinen, Doctor of Community Health H.C.
- Béla Flerkó, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
- Hugh H. Fudenberg, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
- Leif Arne Heloe, Doctor of Dental Science H.C.
- Inkeri Kallela (s. Häkkinen), Doctor of Community Health H.C.
- Paavo Pauli Kallio, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Ewout (Eppo) van der Kleinj, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
- Kaarlo Juhani Koskinen, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Vsevolod E. Kovshilo, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Cornelius A. Salemink, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
- Arnold Spiegel, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Ulf Ludvig Sundqvist, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Johannes Virolainen, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
Conferment ceremony 1978
- Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
- Geoffrey J. Dutton, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- George Neil Jenkins, Doctor of Dental Science H.C.
- Veli Erkki Krogerus, Doctor of Pharmacy H.C.
- Eino Luukkonen, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Leo Kaarlo Noro, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Jaakko Mauri Numminen, Doctor of Philosophy H.C.
- Niilo Natanael Pesonen, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
- Zbynek Pisa, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
- Pentti Matti Rautaharju, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
- Seppo Ilmari Sipilä, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery H.C.
The three-day doctoral conferment festivities involve a number of events where student marshals’ help is indispensable.
Serving as a marshal is a task of honour.
In the events, student marshals assist the master of ceremonies and the head marshal in a wide range of tasks that will be assigned by the head marshal.
For example, the marshals stand in a guard of honour, guide the participants and the audience, receive the doctors’ doctoral hats and arrange them in place, and hand the doctoral hats and diplomas to the conferrer of degrees in the ceremonial act. They also take part in the doctoral procession and, if necessary, in the conferment ceremony banquet and ball as the doctors’ dance partners.
For the selected marshals, guidance and a programme will be drawn up so that everyone will see their own tasks in the different events. Training will also be organised for the marshals later in spring. The exact dates and times will be agreed with the selected marshals later.
During their working shifts, the marshals may attend the luncheons and dinners included in the programme free of charge.
The dress code for marshals is a “dark suit”. A marshal can wear a black suit with a white shirt both during the daytime and evening events, or wear a black trouser suit, a black blazer with a black skirt, or a black dress for daytime events. For the banquet and ball, a dark suit with a white shirt or a colorful long evening dress is worn. On their head, the marshals wear a student cap. In addition, the marshals wear a blue-and-white ribbon, which will be provided by the university.
Students serving as marshals will get credits for the course “ Participation in administrative and working group work (1-2 ECTS), fail/pass”. Passing the course requires students to familiarise themselves with the academic doctoral conferment tradition and the programme and arrangements of the doctoral conferment ceremony, participation in the training provided for student marshals and in the doctoral conferment ceremony events and feedback meeting, and preparation of a learning journal (total of 27/54 hours).
A registration form for student marshals from this link.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Conferment Ceremony Coordinator Elisa Sulkinoja, or tel. +358 50 432 9982.
Officiants and committees
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
- Riitta Vornanen, Professor,
- Ismo Linnosmaa, Professor (deputy)
Philosophical Health Sciences
- Tomi-Pekka Tuomainen, Professor
- Marja Härkänen, Associate Professor (deputy)
Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
- Marjut Roponen, Professor, Chair
- Vesa-Pekka Lehto Professor (deputy)
The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY)
- Miika Hiltunen, Student
- Mirka Nieminen, Student (deputy)
Communications and Media Relations
- Risto Löf, Head of Communications
- Petri Hynynen, Director of Communication Services (deputy)
- Professor Vesa-Pekka Lehto, Professor, Master of Ceremonies
- University Lecturer Maria Lankinen, Head Marshal
- Professor Jarmo Jääskeläinen, Head Conferrer of Degrees
Conferment Secretariat
- Senja Hytinkoski, Executive Assistant
- Maria Venäläinen, Executive Assistant
- Maria Kainulainen, Executive Assistant
- Henriikka Oksiala, Head of Executive Services
- Elisa Sulkinoja, Conferment Ceremony Coordinator
The Secretariat is supervised by the General Counsel and Director, General Administration and Legal Affairs Petri Rintamäki.
Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
- Henri Hakkarainen
- Samu Kainulainen
- Sanna Heikkinen
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
- Virva Huotari-Hyttinen
- Paula Paajanen
- Ida Parkkinen
Faculty of Health Science
- Redouane Aherrahrou
- Henriikka Hakomäki
- Pracheta De
- Professor Vesa-Pekka Lehto, Master of Ceremonies
- University Lecturer Maria Lankinen, Head Marshal
Elisa Sulkinoja, Conferment Ceremony Coordinator, Secretary.
Conferrers of Degrees
- Professor Markku Tukiainen, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
- Professor Jarmo Jääskeläinen, Faculty of Health Sciences
- Professor Mervi Niskanen, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Master of Ceremonies
- Professor Vesa-Pekka Lehto
Head Marshal
- University Lecturer Maria Lankinen
Further information about conferment ceremony
For matters concerning the Doctoral Conferment Ceremony, you can contact the e-mail address