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Kone Foundation awards more than 1.8 million euros to UEF researchers

Kone Foundation has awarded a total of 11 grants to University of Eastern Finland researchers from the autumn 2019 call, with the overall sum amounting to 1,838,000 euros.

Professor Frank Berninger and his research group secured 290,000 euros for the project: The role of terrestrial productivity on fluxes of dissolved organic carbon in watersheds.

Agnès Brosset, MSc, secured 28,800 euros for the project: The effect of ozone on volatile interactions between neighbouring plants and insects.

Researcher Jakob Donner-Amnell, MSocSc, secured 61,000 euros for the project: Laskevan vai kasvavan arvon tie? Miksi Suomen metsäalan arvo ja yhteiskuntahyöty ovat supistuneet 2010-luvulla? Miten suunta voisi jatkossa kääntyä? (The project title and description are available only in Finnish.)

Maija Halonen, MSocSc, secured 151,000 euros for the project: Kuudes sykli periferiassa. (The project title and description are available only in Finnish.)

Hanna Laako, DSocSc, secured 176,00 euros for the project: Poliittiset Metsät: Luonnonsuojelupolitiikkaa kansainvälisillä rajamailla Mesoamerikan trooppisen Maya-sademetsän tapauksessa. (The project title and description are available only in Finnish.)

Docent, University Teacher Kirsi Laurén, PhD, and her research group secured 326,000 euros for the project: Alastomuutta, allikoita ja kannanottoa: suotrendi kulttuuriperintöä muokkaamassa. (The project title and description are available only in Finnish.)

Sanna Ryynänen, PhD, secured 63,000 euros for the project: Lähiöbaareissa ja seurantaloilla. Tutkimus teatterista ja esitystaiteesta yhteiskunnallisina tekoina. (The project title and description are available only in Finnish.)

Saimaa Theatre secured 201,600 euros for the development of artistic activities and for integrating social research into its work.

Associate Professor, Docent Inari Sakki and her research group secured 377,000 euros for the project: Populismin vetovoima: mielikuvat, tunteet ja identiteetit. (The project title and description are available only in Finnish.)

Katarzyna Wisniewska, MA, secured 86,400 euros for the project: Description of force dynamics and cognitive retention in literary and audiovisual translation.

Lasse Väänänen, MSocSc, secured 77,200 euros for his doctoral dissertation project: Vihreää kultaa itään: Kiinalaiset investoimassa Suomen metsäbiotalouteen. (The project title and description are available only in Finnish.)

Project description on Kone Foundation website

 The researchers’ contact details can be found in the university’s telephone directory