MOOC: Finnish Education and Society
- Laajuus:
- 5 opintopistettä
- Kampus tai kaupunki:
- -
- Kategoria:
- Opetus, kasvatus ja psykologia
- Toteutusmuoto:
- Itsenäinen opiskelu, Verkko-opetus
- Hinta:
- -

The MOOC course covers the following topics:
Introduction to the main concepts of the course
- Theoretical Traditions in Sociology of Education
- The Meaning of Education
- Sustainability Education in Finland
After the course student:
- has knowledge of basic research frameworks and concepts of social scientific research and the sociology of education.
- knows the societal functions of education and can reflect on individual and social meanings of education knows the central theoretical traditions in the social sciences of education.
- has progressed in critical thinking skills.
The course is open for anyone interested in the Finnish educational system and does not require any previous studies in education.
You can study MOOC courses in different ways:
I just want to browse the content or learn more, but I don’t need credit points or certificates.
The course is available on the DigiCampus learning platform. Anyone interested in the course can view and study the course content for free. You can sign into DigiCampus with your own Google-id, HAKA-id or in system. You can also visit the course without signing in, but you may not be able to see all the materials and learning tasks of the course. When signed in, you will be able to see and complete the learning tasks of the course, but they will not be evaluated or graded by the course teacher.
Please note, that no credit points, evaluations or official study certificates are given for a free-of-charge completion of the course.
I want to complete the course and receive credit points and a certificate of completion.
As an open university student, you can get the credit points for the course as well as a certificate of the completed course. Register for the course as an open university student according to the instructions on our website. After registering, you will receive information and instructions on how to start studying by email. Please note that studying at the Open university is available for a fee. For more information, see Study fees and right to study.
I am a student at the University of Eastern Finland
If you are a degree student or a student with the continued right to study (after graduation) at the University of Eastern Finland, you can register for the course in Peppi. You can get the credit points free of charge.