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Avoin yo: Sales and buyer behavior in retailing, lv. 2023-2024, verkko-opinnot

Avoin yliopisto
smart for good
6 opintopistettä
Kampus tai kaupunki:
Liiketalous ja kansainvälisyys
90 € (alv 0%)
Jatkuva oppiminen verkkosivut

Characteristics and types of selling and sales management in international retailing, sales in business-to-business and business-to-consumer context, market segmentation and marketing mix, relationship between sales and marketing planning, buyer behavior in business-to-business and business-to-consumer context, sales settings, sales in international context

Study Materials

Materials given by teacher: check information from course implementation descriptions 

Study Modes: Online-course. Independent online learning. Online exercises and/or tests and/or online exam

Alternative exam dates: 7.11.2023, 12.12.2023, 15.2.2024 ja 9.4.2024 and essay return no later than May 15, 2024

Teacher: Katariina Ylönen

Evaluation: 0-5

Teaching Language: English

Opintojakso on aineopintotasoinen. Sen voi sisällyttää seuraaviin opintokokonaisuuksiin: Markkinointi ja vähittäiskauppa aineopinnot, Digitaalisen kaupan opintokokonaisuus tai muuhun opintokokonaisuuteen, johon voi sisällyttää Muun markkinoinnin opintojakson.

Neuvomme ja opastamme sinua mielellämme jo opintojen suunnittelussa ja kaikissa opintojen vaiheissa. Voit olla yhteydessä sähköpostitse, puhelimitse tai voit varata keskusteluajan etäohjaukseen.

Kauppatieteiden opintojen info järjestetään tiistaina 29.8.2023 klo 17! Liity mukaan tästä.

Katso ohjeita opiskeluun avoimessa yliopistossa

Study units cost 15 e / credit. This price holds for the academic year 2023–2024.

For more information on study fees and payment and cancellation terms, please see: Registration, study fees and right to study | University of Eastern Finland (uef.fi).

The length of a study right is determined by the length of the study unit so that it covers all teaching and exams. If the study unit has continuous registration, the study right is from 1.8. to 30.7.

Literature acquisition costs and borrowing fees are not included in the tuition fee.

If your employer would pay your tuition fee, please contact our training secretary. Their contact details are below.

English-language courses are free for the 2023-2024 academic year for those with the status of temporary protection from Migri.

https://migri.fi/tilapainen-suojelu (in Finnish)

https://migri.fi/en/temporary-protection (in English)

https://migri.fi/uk/timcasovij-zahist (in Ukrainian)

See more on studying at UEF while under temporary protection here:


Kellonajasta riippumaton

Continuous registration 4.8.2023-10.3.2024.

Alternative exam dates: 7.11.2023, 12.12.2023, 15.2.2024 ja 9.4.2024 and essay return no later than May 15, 2024



Registration guide:

I. Click the button below to register. You will be directed to our registration service with the study unit already selected; click “In English” at the upper right-hand corner to change the language. If you want to, you can add several study units to your basket before you continue.

II. Proceed in the registration service. You will receive a payment link. After paying, you will receive a confirmation email from Paytrail (payment processor) and a confirmation of your registration from the university.

III. You will receive your starting instructions within seven days of your registration. Please read them carefully. If you do not have a UEF account, you will also get instructions for activating one.

If you can’t find these messages, remember to check your email’s trash folder.

Ilmoittautuminen alkaa:
2023-12-08 09:00
Ilmoittautuminen päättyy:
2024-03-10 23:45