Here, you can read more about the thematic research areas, research themes and projects of the Karelian Institute.
Regional and rural studies
The research priorities of this thematic area are
- Peripheral regions of Europe
- Sustainable development in rural areas
- Employment, labour market, well-being and gender equality.
The Karelian Institute has a long history in basic and applied multidisciplinary research in the regional and rural development of Eastern Finland. For more than 20 years now, the Institute has also been engaged in research focusing on working life and regional labour markets. In these fields of research, cooperation is close with undergraduate and postgraduate education and active connections are maintained with various regional development operators. The unit in charge of commissioned research is the Centre for Regional Research, Spatia.
The responsible person in this thematic area is Petri Kahila, Research Director at Spatia.
- ALKUVOIMA Smart shrinking in the North Karelian rural areas
- CASPER - Citizen activation in shrinking rural areas for place-based policies to enhance resilience
- Centre for Regional Research
- COSPIN - Effects of subsidized collaboration on spatial innovation capacity
- ECoC-SME - Actions for inducing SME growth and innovation via the ECoC event and legacy
- ESPON CHANEBO - Challenges at EU’s North-East external borders
- ESPON IRiE ”Interregional Relations in Europe"
- ESSPIN Economic, social and spatial inequalities in Europe in the era of global mega-trends
- EUARENAS - Cities as Arenas of Political Innovation in the Strengthening of Deliberative and Participatory Democracy
- The ex-post evaluation of the Karelia ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020
- Habitability, living and integrating in rural areas -network
- HUOMA - Care and concern in the countryside
- HYMY - Ensuring a good life in the rural -network
- KAHVEE 2 - The Citizen Participation and Rural Welfare -network for Rural Policy
- KUMU - The changing role of municipalities in employment and business services
- MaaseutuDigi - Daily life of digital exclusion in rural areas
- MONIPOKA 3 - Multilocality in North Karelia - Time for Development Pilots
- Longitudinal study of the villages of Sivakka and Rasimäki in eastern Finland
- Preliminary study of a regional student loan credit experiment
- Primary Schools Amidst Rural Transition: Oral History of Village Schools
- RAVIT - Public financial flows to rural and urban areas
- RUSTIK - Rural sustainability transitions through Integration of Knowledge for Improved Policy Processes
- SERIGO - Social economy for resilience, inclusion and good life in rural areas
- Service network changes and the role of the social economy in rural areas
- TOTAL - Rural economic security and vitality
- Maaseutu sote-uudistuksessa - Julkisen palvelulupauksen toteutuminen maakunnallisissa rakenteissa - MaaseutuSote
- ÄLY - What is Smart Shrinking in Finland?
- Beyond Core-Periphery Debates: Central Europe in the Construction of European Union - RECENTRE (2017-2018)
- Changing Hungarian Spatial Imaginaries: Nationality, Territoriality, Development and the Politics of Borders
- City deals as an instrument in Finnish urban policy
- ELVI Maaseutupolitiikan elämänlaatuverkosto - (2016-2017)
- Ennakoiva työmarkkina- ja toimialatieto kasvualojen osaamistarpeiksi - ETKO
- Ennaltaehkäisevä toiminta ja kumppanuus harvaan asutulla maaseudulla - MaaseutuHyte
- ESCAPE - The Future of Europe's shrinking Rural Regions: Trends, Perspectives & New Agendas for Territorial Governance
- Ex Ante Evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plan 2023–2027 for Finland
- Gender equality in the change of social and health care services - Study on equality among healthcare and social welfare staff
- Importance of competence when work moves from municipality to company
- Länsi-Suomen alueellisten maaseudun kehittämissuunnitelmien 2014-2020 väliarvioinnin jatkohankinta (osa 2): Leader-yritystukien tarkastelu ja rakennetukien arviointi Etelä-Pohjanmaan, Pirkanmaan, Pohjanmaan, Satakunnan ja Varsinais-Suomen alueella
- MATILDE - Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development In European Rural And Mountain Areas
- Maaseutuluotaimen toteutus Uudenmaan alueella
- MaaseutuInno - An overview of the Rural social innovations
- MONIPOKA – Monipaikkainen Pohjois-Karjala
- MONIVOIMA – Monipaikkaisuus voimavarana ja haasteena erilaistuvissa kunnissa
- PARTY Paikallisen ruuan tulevaisuuskuvat ja yhteiskunnalliset vaikutukset
- PISARA Looking for creative solutions and strategies at municipal level
- Preliminary study of a regional student loan credit experiment
- Preparation of the Islands Programme
- PIP - Prospects in the Peripheries
- Quality of life measurements and methology (QoL)
- RELOCAL - Resituating the local in cohesion and territorial development
- RuralLWS-hanke, Tutkimushanke maaseudun paikallisista hyvinvointijärjestelmistä
- Second Homes as a for the Local Economic Development (LED) (Vapaa-ajan asuminen kuntien mahdollisuutena)
- Sivakka–Rasimäki-tutkimuksen viides vaihe
- SOMA - Adaptive and innovative countryside
- Sustainable Rural
- The long-term unemployed hold employment potential
- TIETOMAA UUDISTAA - Managing smart and sustainable knowledge-intensive economy in rural areas of Finland
- Trans-border second-home mobility
- TYVA - tuloksekas työllistäminen
- Työtä ja koulutusta maaseudulle - Tuottavatko digitalisaatio ja sähköiset palvelut uusia ratkaisuja maaseudun opiskelu- ja työmahdollisuuksiin?
- UUDET - Regenerating Municipal Centres
- Vapaa-ajan asuminen kuntien mahdollisuutena
- Yritysten henkilöstövähennysten vaikutukset työpaikkansa menettäneiden ja yritykseen jääneiden työntekijöiden työuriin
Ethnicity and culture
The research priorities of this thematic area are
- History and present in Karelia, Eastern Finland and Northwest Russia
- Cultures of border regions, social and cultural activities
- Relations between ethnic groups, mobility, identity and gender.
The research projects carried out under this thematic area are interdisciplinary, combining cultural studies, historical research, and social sciences. This thematic area’s strengths lie in offering national and international multidisciplinary research expertise related to its focus areas and research priorities, as well as producing information that is applicable in the comparative examination of border regions and cultural boundaries, migration, history, identities, and cultural processes..
The responsible person in this thematic area is Professor Pekka Suutari.
- Borderscapes within Folklore
- Changing Meanings of Milk Production and Consumption in Finland from the 1950s to the Present Day
- Cultural encounters: trans-border Coastal Karelia 1812-1939
- Does Concern for Ethnic Russians in the Near Abroad affect Russian Policy‐Making? (ERNA)
- Grand Duchy of Finland as Political Space
- (Im)mortals - transnational death
- Kantele Goes Global! Ground Zero (Kantele-GO!)
- Karelia and Karelianism in Helmi and Pertti Virtaranta’s fieldwork in Soviet Karelia
- Karelian aspects of folk music in Finland
- Lacrimal Ducts - Laments in contemporary Finland
- Longitudinal study of the villages of Sivakka and Rasimäki in eastern Finland
- Memory Struggles in a transnational space: immigration and public memory in the Russian-Finnish border region
- PISH - Problem-Based Learning, Intercultural Communications and STEM in Higher Education
- Primary Schools Amidst Rural Transition: Oral History of Village Schools
- Post-imperial diversities – majority-minority relations in the transition from empires to nation-states
- Regional and Local History Working Group
- Return to Interspecific Coexistence - Posthuman Interpretations from Folklore, Oral History, and Popular Culture
- Transnational Death: Practices of Death and Remembrance in the Transnational Everyday on the Finnish-Russian Border
- The Transformation of Soviet Republic Borders to International Borders
- Urban Karelianity
- A Lost Mitten and Other Stories
- A Return to Interspecific Coexistence - Posthuman Interpretations from Folklore, Oral History, and Popular Culture
- Case 100 vuotta 2017
- Eläimen kuolema: käsitykset, kokemukset ja käytännöt
- Flexible Ethnicities
- GLASE - Multilayered Borders of Global Security
- Joensuun kaupungintalo
- Karelian-speaking people at the border
- Merikarjala
- Russia as a field and an archive - Constructing Finnishness among ethnographers of the 19th and 20th century Finland
- Sivakka–Rasimäki-tutkimuksen viides vaihe
- Suomen venäjänkieliset median käyttäjinä
- Traumatized Borders: Reviving subversive narratives of b/order, and Other
- Venäjä-kuvat Euraasiassa: muisti, identiteetti ja konflikti
Borders and Russia
The research priorities of the Borders and Russia thematic area are
- Karelia and the changes in the social and governmental structures in Russia
- External borders of the EU, integration and neighbourhood
- Life, migration and interaction in border regions.
This thematic area focuses on Northwest Russia and Northern Europe; Finland and the eastern border of the European Union and the border regions. Our approach to research is multidisciplinary and comparative, and our researchers actively participate in international research debate on the formation of nations and regions, the changing significance of borders, and development of border regions, particularly as part of European integration, globalisation and the period of social and political transition following the Cold War.
VERA network for Russian and Border Studies coordinates research and promotes education programmes on Russian and Border Studies at the University of Eastern Finland.
The responsible person in this thematic area is Professor Ilkka Liikanen.
- Actors' Karelias: 30 years of cross-border interaction in North Karelia
- Advancing Trans-Regional Border Studies
- Borderscapes within Folklore
- EUARENAS - Cities as Arenas of Political Innovation in the Strengthening of Deliberative and Participatory Democracy
- Grand Duchy of Finland as Political Space: A Conceptual History
- Kantele Goes Global! Ground Zero (Kantele-GO!)
- LangWork: Multilingualism at Work: International Talents, Mismatched Language Skills and Workplace
- (Im)mortals - transnational death
- InBorder - Planning for Integration: Landscapes of Power in Borderland Governance
- MARS - Non-Western Migration Regimes in a Global Perspective
- Not just a fence: Disentangling the boundaries of order, logic and control
- Post-imperial diversities – majority-minority relations in the transition from empires to nation-states
- Regional and Local History Working Group
- To Integrate or Return? Policies, Aspirations and Outcomes for Ukrainian Refugees in the Nordic Countries
- Transnational Death: Practices of Death and Remembrance in the Transnational Everyday on the Finnish-Russian Border
- Urban Karelianity
- AEMDI - The EU-Africa relations, migration, development and integration
- A Lost Mitten and Other Stories
- Association of Borderlands Studies Executive Secretariat and Treasurer - ABS Exec
- Brexit, migration and mobility
- Career Mobility of Russian Healthcare Professionals in Finland: Trends, Patterns and Effects
- Changing Hungarian Spatial Imaginaries: Nationality, Territoriality, Development and the Politics of Borders
- Coming to Terms with the Stalinist Past: What Citizens Think in Georgia, Russia, and Ukraine
- Cross-border Investment Navigator for Monocities (CINNAMON)
- Cultural encounters: trans-border Finnish-Russian Coastal Karelia, 1812-1939
- Does Concern for Ethnic Russians in the Near Abroad affect Russian Policy‐Making? (ERNA)
- EISCAS - Eurasian Insights: Strengthening Central Asian Studies In Europe
- EUBORDERSCAPES - Bordering, Political Landscapes and Social Arenas: Potentials and Challenges of Evolving Border Concepts in a post-Cold War World
- Foodscapes of Central Asian Migrants in Russia (2015-2018)
- GLASE - Multilayered Borders of Global Security
- Joustavat etnisyydet
- Karelian-speaking people at the border
- “Let Live” but “Make Wait?”: Exploring Violent Inaction in the Camps and Reception Centers of Bangladesh and Finland
- Local Impacts of Changing International Borders - Local impacts
- Merikarjala
- Northern Dimensions of European Union Actorness
- PIP - Prospects in the Peripheries
- RELOCAL - Resituating the local in cohesion and territorial development
- Russia as a field and an archive - Constructing Finnishness among ethnographers of the 19th and 20th century Finland
- Suomen venäjänkieliset median käyttäjinä
- Trans-Border Second-Home Mobility
- Transformation of Soviet Republic Borders to International Borders
- Traumatized Borders: Reviving subversive narratives of b/order, and Other
- Venäjä-kuvat Euraasiassa: muisti, identiteetti ja konflikti