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ANTI - Contemporary Art Festival

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ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival works with innovative artists on projects that explore and explode urban space. The festival will take place in mid-September.

This year, the festival visits the Kuopio Campus in the form of video art displayed on the university’s media screen from 6th to 19th September in Snellmania building´s main lobby. Artists Veera Launonen and Ilkka Kivelä have used their own local memories to create a series of video pieces called The Collectors. Both artists are based in Kuopio. The video pieces also spread out to other locations around the city of Kuopio.

Held annually in Kuopio, the city hosts the festival, projects by artists from around the world who inhabit the spaces of public life – homes, shops, city squares, business, forests, lakes – and directly engage communities and audiences in the making and showing of their work. The festival is free to attend.

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