Want to understand and reduce environmental effects on human health?
Master's Degree Programme in Environmental Health and Technology (ENHET) is a highly multidisciplinary and research-oriented programme, aiming at combining comprehensive understanding of human exposure and health effects with technological solutions to reduce the effects.
Focus is on environmental agents, such as air and water pollutants, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and chemicals, as well as methods and modeling needed to produce meaningful risk assessment.
For instructions on how to apply and a direct link to the application form on Studyinfo, please scroll down.
Key information
- Level of degree: Master's degree
- Programme duration: 2 years / 120 ECTS credits
- Language of instruction: English
- Application period: 8.1.2025 - 22.1.2025
- Programme start: September 2025
- Tuition fee: EU/EEA nationals no tuition fee; non-EU/EEA nationals 10,000 €/academic year
- Tuition waivers available
- Study campus: Kuopio
Why study with us?
- This highly multidisciplinary and research oriented programme gives you a solid foundation to pursue a career in environmental health research, consulting or in environmental health agencies or to pursue doctoral studies in environmental sciences.
The advanced studies are divided into the following modules:
Exposure and Risk Assessment module and Environmental Modeling module
Air Pollutants, Aerosols and Health module provides advanced knowledge in indoor and outdoor air pollutants, especially fine and nanoparticles, their sources, emission control technologies and health outcomes.
Radiation module includes courses on biological effects and health risks of radiation, including both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
Water module specializes on water quality and technology. Topics include water hygiene and microbial risk assessment, conventional and most up-to-date purification technologies, prevention of water pollution and recovery of the valuable resources.
The curriculum of this programme (120 credit points, ECTS) consists of advanced studies of the main subject (environmental science), minor subject studies, and alternative studies. Practical training in research institutes or other relevant work places (max 10 Cp) can be included in the degree. The programme consists of lectures, exercises, book exams and hands-on training in research groups. Students will achieve comprehensive knowledge in at least one specialized area of research (air pollutants, aerosols, radiation, and water), generic core competencies for scientific research, and skills to apply field-specific methods in the laboratory.
The Masters thesis includes an experimental element. The aim is to improve the students skills in data collection, data analysis and to evaluate the students ability to report and discuss the observed results scientifically in relation to existing data and knowledge. In the beginning of the studies, a personal study plan (PSP) shall be prepared for each student with the assistance of the teacher tutors. In order to facilitate the preparation of the PSP, the courses are organised in modules based on their subject and level (basic/advanced). Practical training in research institutes or other relevant work places (max 10 Cp) can be included in the degree.
General structure of studies
MSc studies in ENHET programme 120 Cp (ECTS):
- Advanced studies in Environmental science min. 80 Cp
- Personal study plan 1 Cp
- Alternative studies min. 33 Cp
- Language and communication studies 6 Cp
How to apply?
Eligibility criteria
To assess an applicant's eligibility for the program, the applicant must submit an application during the admission period. A previous bachelor’s degree in environmental or biological sciences, corresponding to at least 3 years of full-time academic studies from an institution for higher education is required from all Master's degree applicants. In addition to these basic requirements, studies in human biology, as well as physics or chemistry during the bachelor’s studies are expected from the applicant. The degree must be awarded by an internationally recognized university. We also accept degrees from a recognized university of applied sciences.
The degree should entitle the applicant to apply to Master's studies in the country where the degree has been awarded. In addition, In case, the applicant has not yet received a Bachelors degree certificate by the admission deadline, he/she is required to submit a high-quality scan of his/her latest, officially certified transcript of records during the application period. If the applicant receives the degree certificate and the final transcript of records during the application period it is recommended to submit them as soon as possible.
Language requirements
Applicants must either (1) meet the language proficiency criteria (see below), or (2) reach the
minimum required language test results to be considered eligible to the University of Eastern Finland. No exceptions will be made and no waivers regarding the language proficiency requirements are given.
(1) Applicants who hold one of the following do not have to take an English language test
- A language test is not required if the applicant has completed their secondary education in English language in EU/EEA -countries, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand or in Switzerland.
- A language test is not required if the applicant has completed a Bachelor’s, Master’s or higher degree in English language in EU/EEA -countries, or in one of the following countries: Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Cameroon, Canada, Dominica, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South-Africa, Switzerland, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, the United Kingdom, the United States, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
The degree/programme must be taught and assessed entirely in English. If you verify your language skills with your education degree, the language of instruction must be clearly indicated on the educational documents.
Online studies or studies completed on offshore campuses outside the accepted countries/area cannot be used to indicate language skills, even if the degree-awarding institution is in one of the accepted countries.
(2) All other applicants have to take one of the following language tests:
- TOEFL iBT, overall score 92, min. 22 in writing
- IELTS (academic) overall score 6.5, min. 6.0 in writing
- PTE (academic), overall score 62, min 54 in writing
- C1 Advanced overall score C or 180, with min. 162 in writing
- C2 Proficiency overall score level C1 or 180, with min. 162 in writing
- National Certificate of Language Proficiency YKI-test: level 5 in all different subtests (reading comprehension, writing and speaking). It is possible to combine different examinations.
No other degrees or statements of language proficiency will be accepted.
TOEFL, IELTS and PTE certificates are valid for two years from the day they are issued, i.e. the
language test need to be in effect during the application period, from 8 January 2023 onwards. The language test results must be verifiable from the online verification service of the organiser.
Required enclosures
The required enclosures need to be uploaded electronically to the application by 29 January 2025, at 3 pm (EET) at the latest. UEF does not process application documents that have arrived after the deadline.
The required enclosures:
- Bachelor’s degree certificate
- An official transcript of academic records. The transcript should include the course units, their completion time, grades and credits awarded, an information about the grading scale used at the institution.
- English language certificate
- Copy of passport
- A motivation video* of the applicant in English. ax. duration is 1,5 minutes (90 seconds). In the video, describe the reasons why you are interested in environmental science and why you are applying to the Master's degree program in Environmental Health and Techonology at UEF, and your future educational and/or career plans in the field of environmental science.
*The video format must be one of the following: x-m4v, x-matroska, x-msvideo, mpeg, ogg, webm, 3gpp, 3gpp2, mp4, MP2T, quicktime, x-ms-wmv, x-ms-vob. Maximum size of the video file is 1 GB.
All enclosures are compulsory for the selection process.
Official translations: If your educational documents are issued in a language other than English, Finnish, or Swedish, you must provide official translations in one of these languages. These translations must be done by the degree-awarding institution or a certified translator. Every page of the official translation should include the translator's stamp and/or signature. The translation must accurately reflect the original documents, and self-translations by applicants are not accepted.
Check the application period
Choose your programme
The applicant may apply to only one of the three application options offered by the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences.Check the admission requirements
In addition to these basic requirements, studies in human biology, as well as physics or chemistry during the bachelor’s studies are expected from the applicant.Gather your documents
The application document checklist: 1. High-quality scans of the original degree and graduation certificates in original language 2. High-quality scan of the original transcript of records in original language 3. Proof of English language proficiency 4. High-quality scan of passport photo page + Other programme specific documents (see above section about admission requirements) * Official translations of degree and graduation certificates, if original is not in English, Finnish or Swedish) Submit the application
Selection process
The admission process aims at fair selection of high-quality applicants. Student selection is based on the application documents and an evaluation how the applicant’s skills and competencies, acquired through previous academic studies, align with the requirements of the Master's programme.
Applicants will be ranked according to the selection criteria. The best 10 applicants are accepted to the program and the rest of the applicants are rejected. The programme may accept more applicants by discretion to fulfil the available study places in the programme. Applicants are not placed on the waiting list.
In the case of equal scores, suitability is the most important, followed by success in studies and motivation. The motivation expressed in a short video is one way to assess the background and suitability of the applicant.
The applications will be graded using the following criteria:
1. Suitability and the content of the previous studies: 0-5 p (0=poor, 5=excellent)
2. Applicant's success in the previous studies in general: 0-5 p (0=poor, 5=excellent)
3. Applicant's success in the previous studies of the suitable field of science: 0-5 p (0=poor,
4. Applicant's own explanations about their motivation to apply for studies: 0-5 p (0=poor,
If the applicant scores 0-2 p in any of the components 1.,2. or 3., the application will not be
processed further.
Selection results
Results for studies starting in September 2025 will be published on 28.5.2025 at the latest. When the selection decision has been made, the results will be posted immediately to applicants by e- mail.
Admitted students shall inform whether they accept their study place by latest on 10 July 2025 at 3 pm (EEST) electronically via Studyinfo portal or by submitting the confirmation form to hakijapalvelut@uef.fi.
According to One study place per term provision, a student may accept only one study place
leading to a higher education degree in Finland during one academic term. This rule applies to all higher education.
Conditional acceptance
Your admission is conditional if you apply to UEF with a degree that is not finished during the application period. It is required that the applicants deliver officially certified copies of the final degree certificate and the transcript of records to the programme coordinator by 31 July 2025.
All accepted students need to provide officially certified copies, if they cannot authenticate their degree/transcript electronically when applying. The students will be conditionally accepted until they have provided the certified copies of the educational document (degree certificate and transcript of records). Country specific requirements are in use in situations when the applicant cannot provide the documents electronically. The last date when the documents need to be at the university is 30.5.2025. In case the applicants do not deliver the documents by the given deadline, their study right will be cancelled.
Delimitation of granting right to study
You cannot be granted a new right to study resulting in a Master of Science (environmental
science) degree if you already have a valid right to study in the master’s degree programme
resulting in a Master of Science (environmental science or biology) degree at the University of Eastern Finland.
If you disagree with the decision you may apply for a rectification of the decision from the Dean of the Faculty by 11 June 2025 at 3 pm (EEST) at the latest. The instructions for making a request for rectification can be found on Admissions results website.
The annual tuition fee for non-EU/EEA students is 10,000 EUR. There are no tuition fees for
students who are citizens of EU/EEA countries or Switzerland. Applicants subject to tuition fees can apply for tuition waivers and scholarships during the university application process by completing the relevant section on the application form. All tuition fees, waivers, and scholarships are outlined and determined by the Academic Rector's decision for the 2025-2026 academic year (diary number 4401/02.04.01/2024). Students granted a tuition waiver, or scholarship must sign and return a student agreement. Additionally, degree students are required to pay the Student Union membership fee and the Kela student healthcare fee.
General information about the tuition waivers and scholarships is available here.
Application period 2025
Our application period is open from 8 January 2025 to 22 January 2025. The application is completed and submitted online.
Apply via Studyinfo
Studyinfo.fi is the official national admissions portal with all the up-to-date information about study programmes leading to a degree in Finland.
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