Regenerative regulation specialist (15 credits)
In this training, you will acquire skills in working as a regulatory and quality expert and gain knowledge in responsibility and sustainability while improving your well-being and expanding your network.
- Credits:
- 15 ECTS credits
- Location:
- Kuopio
- Continuous learning category:
- Social welfare and health care, Technology and digitalization
- Teaching format:
- Blended teaching, Independent learning, Online teaching, Contact teaching
- Price:
- 0 € (VAT 0%)

The Regenerative Regulation Specialist training consists of four parts. The unifying theme throughout the sections is the Regenerative Regulatory Specialist as a driver for sustainable development.
1. The roles, responsibilities and legislation of a Regenerative Regulation Specialist
2. Mastering quality – successfully from idea to product
3. The Regenerative Regulation Specialist as a catalyst for change
4. A firm and resilient regulation specialist
The training will be delivered in face-to-face and hybrid formats. The learning will include independent study of online courses and materials in the DigiCampus environment or other online courses. Previously completed training courses may be credited. Mentoring and guidance services of the Centre for Continuous Learning are available to participants to help them choose a study path and training suitable for their skills, work, and career plans.
1. Gain an understanding of the role and responsibilities of a Regenerative Regulation Specialist.
2. Identify the requirements of the current situation and your role and recognize both your personal development needs and those of the organisation.
3. Learn how to support organisational change using a variety of tools and methods.
4. Be able to act as a Regenerative Regulation Specialist promoting sustainable development.
5. Strengthen your personal interaction skills and professional networks.
The training is limited to 12 participants, so make sure to register right away!
The training is part of the free training offer of the ReguVa (Boosting Regulatory and Sustainability Competences for Health and Wellbeing) project. The University of Eastern Finland, in cooperation with HealthTech Finland and Kuopio Health, is responsible for the design and implementation of the training. Some of the training courses will be produced by the ReguVa project. The training may also include training provided by other organisations.
Kick-Off “On the Path to Becoming a Regenerative Regulation Specialist (RRS)”
on September 18, 2024, at 3-4.15 PM.
University of Eastern Finland, The Centre for Continuous Learning (Bioteknia building, 2nd floor, Neulamäentie 2, 70210 Kuopio) OR remote connection (Teams). Registration
The training will prepare you for the role of a Regenerative Regulation Specialist in the health technology sector. You will develop your skills as a regulatory and quality expert. You will deepen your understanding of sustainability and responsibility. You will gain practical tools for quality management, risk management and patient safety. The training will give you the opportunity to network with professionals in the field and receive mentoring for your own career development. For example, you will be given the basis to work as a P.R.R.C. (Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance).
The training is designed for people who want to develop as a Regenerative Regulation Specialist, apply for a job in the regulated sector, develop a sustainable business and act as an agent of change. Participants should have a university degree in health or technology, maybe have experience in quality or regulatory work in these sectors, and an interest in sustainability and responsibility.
- Module 1: October 1 - November 17, 2024, Training day: Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 10:30 AM - 3:45 PM
- Module 2: October 21 - November 26, 2024, Training day: Thursday, October 31, 2024, 10:30 AM - 3:45 PM
- Module 3: November 27, 2024 - January 31, 2025, Training day: November 27, 2024, 10:30 AM - 3:45 PM
- Module 4: October 1, 2024 - February 28, 2025, Training day: Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 10:30 AM - 5:00 PM (Participation in the ReguLaatu network meeting from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM). Participation in the project’s final seminar, tentative date: Monday, January 27, 2025, 9:30 AM - 3:45 PM (only in Kuopio)
Most of the training courses is free of charge (produced by the ReguVa project). The training may also include training provided by other organisations.
As part of the training, participants will also complete the REHT and Entries training packages provided by Labquality. They are free of charge for the target group specified in the ReguVa project. Other participants can purchase the REHT and Entries packages for a fee.
The project is co-funded by the European Social Fund.