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Food waste.

Understanding food reduces food waste

Food production and food waste have an enormous impact on the environment – third of the emissions caused by human consumption are generated during the life cycle of food. Food attitudes are slowly changing but further measures are still needed. The University of Eastern Finland is currently researching how education and teaching can be used to change the behavioural drivers that lead to food being wasted.

  • Text Nina Venhe | Photos Varpu Heiskanen and Bettiina Lievonen

To change our everyday food behaviour, we need more knowledge and positive guidance.

Anna-Liisa Elorinne

Professor of Home Economics

The meanings attributed to food waste in textbooks is also a reflection of the attitudes toward food waste in society in general.

Milja Pollari

Early Stage Researcher

infografiikka ruokahävikistä, in English
Source: Luke - Natural Resources Institute Finland