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Laako Hanna in portrait.

Transboundary conservation politics in the spotlight of an International Relations scholar

During her years in Mexico, Senior Researcher Hanna Laako took a large leap in the multidisciplinary research of global politics. Empirical and fieldwork-based research is slowly gaining relevance in International Relations.

  • Text Sari Eskelinen | Photos Varpu Heiskanen, David Andrade/Laako home album and Miguel Urbina/Laako home album
Four people standing on a green field surrounded by hills
Hanna Laako and Edith Kauffer during fieldwork in the Usumacinta Canyon in Mexico. The Usumacinta Canyon is also a wildlife reserve that adjoins the Guatemalan border. Image: Miguel Urbina/Laako’s home album

Nature conservation politics is also a tool for communities to resist extractivism.

Hanna Laako

Senior Researcher

People crossing the river by cableway
Hanna Laako during fieldwork at the Chajul Biological Station in the Lacandon rainforest in Mexico, which also includes the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve. Image: David Andrade/Laako’s home album