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Metsä_puun runko.

Remote sensing reveals the true nature of forests

The Vastaranta Research Syndicate is developing detailed forest remote sensing methods with an aim of enhancing ecological understanding and supporting sustainable use of forests.

  • Text Marianne Mustonen
  • Photos Riikka Malin and Ville Kankare

We can explain up to 40% of wood density variation by different crown characteristics.

Mikko Vastaranta

Associate Professor, Digitalisation and Knowledge Leadership in Forest-based Bioeconomy

A forest scientist rides a bicycle.

Different remote sensing technologies have great potential in solving many global mysteries.

Samuli Junttila

Postdoctoral Researcher

Junttila Samuli.
 Researcher Ninni Saarinen in a forest.
Postdoctoral Researcher Ninni Saarinen
Forest scientist with a yardstick.
Early-Stage Researcher Tuomas Yrttimaa
Metsä_Ville Kankare.
Postdoctoral Researcher Ville Kankare
Terrestrial laser scanning offers insight into the structure of a tree stand under different thinning experiments. Ninni Saarinen in the photo.