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Molecular modelling of an antibiotic medicine.

Projects on Parkinson’s disease and novel antibiotics secure significant funding

Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation has granted significant funding to two research projects at the University of Eastern Finland. Docent Šárka Lehtonen investigates the role of brain astrocytes and microglia in Parkinson’s disease. Professor Antti Poso develops a new type of antibiotics against resistant bacterial infections, based on blocking SurA, a protein crucial to bacterial cell wall structure. The foundation supports high-quality innovative research that has the potential to lead to major scientific breakthroughs internationally.

Sarka Lehtonen.
Šárka Lehtonen. Photo Linda Tammisto / Unigrafia.
Antti Poso.
Antti Poso. Photo Raija Törrönen.
Molecular modelling of an antibiotic medicine.
The structure of the SurA protein, based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Simulations performed on the Mahti supercomputer: Thales Kronenberger and Antti Poso.