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Chemistry students and staff.

Department of Chemistry renamed Department of Chemistry and Sustainable Technology as of 1 January 2025

The Degree Programme in Sustainable Technologies and increasingly multidisciplinary research in chemistry respond to the needs of the changing work culture and the future.

The Degree Programme in Sustainable Technologies combines natural sciences and technology in a modern way. Its premise is providing diverse educational content combining the themes of chemistry, forestry and computing in materials science and knowledge-based management. The focus is on the key engineering skills required by sustainable development. 

"There is demand for skilled chemistry and technology experts both in industry and in the education sector. Our department will continue to train experts and teachers of chemistry to serve business and society," says Professor Mika Suvanto, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Sustainable Technology.

"By combining chemistry and technology, we have the opportunity to expand to new types of strategic research. For example, research in renewable energy and bio-based chemical production supports international, national and regional growth and impact."

"All of this is also supported by other subjects of the faculty, such as physics, mathematics and environmental and biological sciences. The content of the degree programme has been designed together with industry specialists to meet employers' needs in the future,” Suvanto states.

The research topics and networks of the Department of Chemistry have traditionally relied on cooperation with companies. With technology education included, this approach will become even more effective in the form of various projects. Students of the department will also make contact with businesses more efficiently thanks to the technology education. The aim is to have an increasing number of students of chemistry and technology to network with business representatives from the beginning of their studies.

"The degree programme combines competencies in different fields in a unique way. New opportunities in bio-economy and circular economy, lifecycle impacts and production methods are studied together with subjects such as data sciences and business management. The degree programme gives students tools for solving future challenges," says Professor Antti Haapala.

For more information, please contact:

Head of the Degree Programme in Sustainable Technologies, Professor Antti Haapala,, tel. +358 44 520 2849

Head of the Department of Chemistry and Sustainable Technology, Professor Mika Suvanto,, tel. +358 50 303 0562
