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  • Seminar
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The role of plant roots in carbon sequestration has raised into the focus in discussion of carbon balance of forest and agricultural ecosystems. This is because a high proportion of annual net production is allocated to roots but that hidden-half of plants is not well known. In addition, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the functioning of roots of different plant species in varying and changing environmental conditions, and as affected by different cultivation regimes. Above- and belowground processes of plants are linked together, and therefore whole-plant approaches are needed.

ROOTS2020 seminar will bring together scientists in the fields of biology, forestry and agriculture to discuss current topics on below- and aboveground processes of plants, their linkages and how they are affected by abiotic and biotic factors and by different cultivation regimes. The seminar consists of 10–20 min talks and posters.

Organizers: Natural Resources Institute (Luke, Joensuu) and School of Forest Sciences, University of Eastern Finland (UEF)

There are no participation fees, coffees will be served. Meals are self-financed.

Venue:     Natural Resources Institute, Metla house, meeting room Käpy
Address     Yliopistokatu 6b, Joensuu (On the map)

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For more information, please contact:

Tapani Repo, Luke

 Tarja Lehto, UEF

Leena Karvinen, Luke