Housing Conditions and Behavioral Phenotype of Mouse Disease Models
- Health and well-being
- Technology and innovations
- Event date:
- Time:
- 12:00–16:00
- Event location:
Kuopio campus, Snellmania building, room SN300
- Additional information:
Yliopistonranta 8
- Add to calendar:
This networking event is organized by FinGMice network.
12.00 Welcome, Professor Heikki Tanila, A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Eastern Finland
12.05 Biocenter Finland FinGMice network,
Reetta Hinttala, University of Oulu
12.15 Behavioral assessment of nervous system functions in GM mice,
Heikki Tanila, A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Eastern Finland
12.45 Visual defects in GM mice,
Henri Leinonen, Pharmacy, University of Eastern Finland
13.05 Housing effects on mouse behavior,
Vootele Voikar, Neuroscience Center, University of Helsinki
13.50 Coffee break
14.10 Researcher – caretaker collaboration in experiment planning and follow-up,
Hanna M. Miettinen, Lab Animal Center, University of Eastern Finland
14.40 Presentation of the tasks and break-up into small groups
14.50 Discussion in small groups (Snellmania meeting rooms 101-103)
16.00 Feedback from discussion and closing (SN300)
For more information, please see www.fingmice.fi and X (formerly Twitter): @fingmice, or contact Professor Heikki Tanila, email heikki.tanila@uef.fi.