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Co-creating Research for Integration Services

  • Webinar
  • Public lecture
  • Languages and cultures
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Welcome to a unique webinar involving selected early stage researchers from the University of Eastern Finland, associated international universities, and representatives from refugee communities for the purpose of exploring the co-production of research with refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants. Invited service users, service providers and academics concerning border mobilities, social integration and justice will share their ideas and experiences.

Speakers of this webinar are:

Lynette Joubert, teaching and research Professor in the Department of Social Work, Melbourne School of Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne.

Niina Lyytinen, licensed psychologist, specializing in work and organizational psychology.

Rania Mansour, Professor, teacher and researcher of social work at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies.

Abd Elrahim Hsyan, used to work in Syria as a primary teacher and a civil society activist in reconciliation, interfaith dialogue, and conflict resolution.

Tara Al, Barazanchi, refugee rights activist.

Natalie Joubert, Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies at the University of Eastern Finland.

Please register to the webinar. The link to participation will be sent by email to all registered.

This interactive 2-day online Colloquium in webinar format, is hosted by the University of Eastern Finland, and is funded by Kuopio Welfare Research Centre (KWRC).

The program of short presentations and critical discussions provides a dynamic forum for identifying future research priorities, practices and partnerships promoting the co-production of integration research.

For further information, please contact Hadi Farahani, email