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UEF prepares for new performance agreement period

In 2019, the University of Eastern Finland awarded 146 doctoral degrees, 1,651 Master’s degrees and 1,367 Bachelor's degrees. The number of Master’s degrees awarded was an all-time record for the university. In addition, the number of articles published by the university’s researchers in international journals grew from previous years.

The university’s financial result showed a surplus of approximately 15.6 million euros, constituting 6.8% of the turnover. The result of the university’s operating activities, which includes Government funding for the higher education institutions, external funding and corresponding expenses, showed a deficit of approximately 5.2 million euros. 

The university’s realised net revenue from investment and financing activities amounted to 5.4 million euros. The realised net revenue from investment and financing activities was used to cover the deficit of operating activities. Since the beginning of 2018, unrealised changes in value of investment activities have also been entered in the books, affecting the university’s result. The share of unrealised net revenue of the university's result amounted to 15.0 million euros, which means that without the unrealised change in value of investments the result would have been close to zero.

“In the light of the numbers from 2019, the university’s operational result is very good and our finances rest on a solid foundation,” Rector Jukka Mönkkönen says.

The university is currently preparing for performance agreement negotiations with the Ministry of Education and Culture for the period 2021–2024, to be held in May 2020. These negotiations determine the university's overall funding for the upcoming years.

“The starting point of the negotiations is the university's new strategy, Seizing a sustainable future. Our strategy is rooted in global challenges to which we seek solutions in our profile areas through interdisciplinary research and multidisciplinary education,” Mönkkönen notes. The strategic programmes through which the strategy is implemented will be finalised in spring 2020. 

The financial statement for 2019 was discussed by the Board of the University of Eastern Finland on 31 March 2020.  The financial statement will be discussed by the University Collegiate Body on 25 May.

For further information, please contact:

Rector Jukka Mönkkönen, tel. +358 40 728 8057

Chief Financial Officer Heini Koskenvuori, tel. +358 50 569 7560