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Verkko- ja monimuotopedagogiikan fasilitaattorien kuvituskuva.

Facilitators of new learning are here

A team of experienced teachers is working to strengthen their fellow colleagues’ skills and expertise in online and blended learning pedagogy at the University of Eastern Finland.

Some content that was thought impossible to be delivered online could, in fact, be moved online in collaboration with colleagues.

Kati Kasanen

University Lecturer, Philosophical Faculty

Yliopistonlehtori Kati Kasanen.

We can discuss and plan for ways to deliver your course online, making it available to different kind of students.

Vesa Paajanen

University Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Forestry

Yliopistonlehtori Vesa Paajanen.

Interaction and practising interaction skills can be easily done also over the internet!

Piia Siitonen

University Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences

Yliopistonlehtori Piia Siitonen.

It is important that teaching is developed on the basis of scientific evidence.

Helena Kantanen

University Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies

Yliopistonlehtori Helena Kantanen.

We should never forget the fact that we are all human beings, and it is other human beings we are reaching out to and communicating with.

Susanna Kohonen

University Lecturer, Language Centre

Yliopistonlehtori Susanna Kohonen.