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Doctoral defence, Antti Väänänen, MSc, Computer Science, 3 Dec 2021: Evaluation of the AI technology solutions acceptance among healthcare professionals

The doctoral dissertation in the field of Computer Science will be examined at the Faculty of Science and Forestry on the Kuopio Campus and online.

What is the topic of your doctoral research?

The introduction of AI methods in healthcare ICT systems aims to increase the efficiency of healthcare processes and reduce healthcare costs. The outcome of the introduction of AI for different areas of healthcare have been presented in several studies comparing the benefits of AI methods to the traditional healthcare process. These results are summarized in this dissertation.

What are the key findings or observations of your doctoral research?

The objective of this thesis is to study and introduce technology solutions which are utilizing AI features and give proposal how AI solutions can be distributed to organizations providing healthcare services. Furthermore, we study end user advantages and use cases of AI methods in healthcare. We focus on evaluating and studying existing healthcare ICT solutions which utilize AI methods which are used in many fields of healthcare to learn and analyze abstract representations of these behaviors. Our research focused on AI solutions utilization in healthcare and therefore we conducted a survey to healthcare professionals to investigate the use of artificial intelligence and to study best use cases where AI could benefit different healthcare processes.

Results can help healthcare service providers to evaluate AI technology solutions acceptance among healthcare professionals. We also made a review of healthcare services using AI features. In this review we listed the known benefits of AI implementation for healthcare processes and evaluated what are key elements for successful AI implementation in Healthcare sector. We also created a proposal of the platform where AI-based methods, applications, and services could be accessible and from where end users of these algorithms could integrate these AI based methods to their healthcare services.

How can the results of your doctoral research be utilised in practice?

These results of conducted survey can help healthcare service providers to evaluate AI technology solutions acceptance among healthcare professionals. During research we conducted a review of healthcare services using AI. Review results can help healthcare service providers to evaluate and select AI technology solutions. Based on survey and review findings we made proposal of healthcare AI distribution platform which should aim to lower the barriers to implement scientifically validated AI methods by software developers and healthcare service providers who operate in healthcare sector.

Please describe the process of your doctoral research.

The objective of this thesis is to study and introduce technology solutions which are utilizing AI features and give proposal how AI solutions can be distributed to organizations providing healthcare services. We also studied end user advantages and use cases of AI methods in healthcare. We focused on evaluating and studying existing healthcare ICT solutions which utilize AI methods which are used in many fields of healthcare.

The doctoral dissertation of Antti Väänänen, MSc, entitled Studies on artificial intelligence in healthcare (Tutkimuksia tekoälystä terveydenhuollossa), will be examined at the Faculty of Science and Forestry on the Kuopio Campus, Snellmania, SN201, and online, on 3 December at 12 noon. The opponent will be Professor Tomi Janhunen, University of Tampere, and the custos will be Professor Pekka Toivanen, University of Eastern Finland. Language of the public defence is Finnish.

For further information, please contact:

Antti Väänänen, antti.vaananen (a), p. 044 285 1525

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