The doctoral conferment ceremony of the University of Eastern Finland culminated in the ceremonial conferment of degrees in Joensuu today. A total of 82 doctorates were conferred, 13 of which were honorary doctorates conferred upon persons chosen by the university’s faculties. The doctoral conferment ceremony is an academic rite of passage in which those who have completed their doctoral degree formally receive the insignia associated with this status. At the University of Eastern Finland, the insignia of the doctoral status are the doctoral hat and its emblem, and the doctoral diploma.
In Joensuu, doctorates and honorary doctorates were conferred by the three faculties operating on the campus. The Philosophical Faculty’s degrees were conferred by the Head Conferrer of Degrees, Professor Lauri Thurén, and the Conferrer of Degrees of the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology was Professor Markku Tukiainen. The Conferrer of Degrees of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies was Professor Jukka Korpela.

Speaking to the promovendi, Professor Lauri Thurén reminded them of being backed by a broad international research community and centuries of academic tradition.
“Let these remind both us and others of the essential: only free research truly advances society. No one and nothing can take this freedom away from us. Therefore, it is immensely wonderful to be in this moment today: to present the doctoral hat to you, who have earned your place on the Parnassus, among free and at the same time responsible researchers.”
In his address, Rector Jukka Mönkkönen noted that the university was proud of its newly minted doctors and hoped that the doctors would be proud of their university, too.
Mönkkönen pointed out that although science is international and global by nature and although the main goal of universities is to be internationally successful, the significance of regional interaction should not be ignored. One role of the University of Eastern Finland is to develop the region of Eastern Finland.
“The success of our campus cities and the whole of Eastern Finland depends on the university and, similarly, the success of the university depends on the attractiveness of our region and our campus cities. That is something we can, and should, join our forces in. The quality and extent of our research and education provide an excellent basis for activities that benefit the entire country and its Eastern part in particular.”

From among the promovendi, the Doctors’ Committee traditionally selects a Primus and an Ultimus Doctor. These persons have written an outstanding doctoral thesis and they enjoy a specific honorary status in the conferment ceremony. Rosemary Mwanza, Doctor of Law, was chosen as the Primus Doctor, and was the first promovendi upon whom a doctorate was conferred in the ceremony. The Primus Doctor also answered a question posed by a professor in their discipline and thus, as a representative of the promovendi, demonstrated their scholarship. Nicola Kokkonen, Doctor of Science in Agriculture and Forestry, was chosen as the Ultimus Doctor, and was the last promovendi upon whom a doctorate was conferred in the ceremony. She also gave a speech to the guests of honour in the banquet and ball.

This year, the doctoral conferment ceremony also offered an entirely new experience, namely the Light of Learning event. Designed on the conditions of light, sound and narration, the event showcased the unique entanglement science and art.
The festivities will continue with a banquet and ball on Friday, followed by a cruise on Saturday.

In Finland, the doctoral conferment ceremony tradition has been in use throughout the history of Finnish universities, and each university has also brought its own additions to the tradition. In doctoral conferment ceremonies, traditions play a key role, although the ceremonies also adapt to times.
The doctoral conferment ceremony is a way for the University of Eastern Finland to show its appreciation for persons who have completed a doctoral degree. For the doctorate holders, on the other hand, the doctoral conferment ceremony is an opportunity to celebrate their academic achievements.
For further information, please contact: Coordinator of the Doctoral Conferment Committee Elisa Sulkinoja,, +358 50 432 9982