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UEF liput lipputangoissa

Photonics Education in the future

  • Webinaari
verkossa/remote connection
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Photonics industry is growing significantly across the Europe and companies in this field are constantly in need of new employees. Joensuu Photonics Education Path Project (JFK) piloted a unique Photonics education pathway from second degree to PhD to meet the needs of businesses.

Future Education in Photonics webinar will showcase the training that has been delivered and learn from good practices but also look into the future training needs. This event is for companies and operators in the field of Photonics, but also for educational institutions interested in developing Photonics education.

Program in English starts at 12.45. Register to the Webinar on Tuesday 5.5.2020 at the latest.

Please see program and further information on the project in the address https://www.photonics.fi/event/photonics-education-in-the-future-webinar/