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Mental Health Promotion Seminar

The ABCs of Mental Health
  • Seminaari
  • Terveys ja hyvinvointi
Kuopion kampus, Snellmania-rakennus, sali SN201, sekä verkossa
Yliopistonranta 8
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The seminar will focus on the research and the experiences in Denmark over the years and will also give insight on what is the ABCs of Mental Health.

Seminar is organized by the Work and Mental Wellbeing – Mieliteko 2.0 project, Department of Health and Social Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies at the University of Eastern Finland.

Registrations by 14 February. The Teams link will be sent by 15.2. The seminar is open to all interested. Welcome!

Seminar program

8.30 Morning coffee/tea on campus

9.00–11 The ABCs of Mental Health and Mental Health Promotion in Denmark

Ziggi Ivan Santini, PhD. Mental Health Researcher, University of Copenhagen/The Danish National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark
Carsten Hinrichsen, PhD. Mental Health Researcher, The Danish National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark

For further information, please contact Hanna Tervo, email hanna.tervo@uef.fi.