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In/equalities in Digitalized Society 2023

  • Symposium
  • Webinaari
  • Koulutus ja oppimisympäristöt
  • Talous ja yhteiskunta
Joensuun kampus, Futura-rakennus, sali F111, sekä verkossa
Yliopistokatu 7
Lisää kalenteriin:

This symposium focuses on inequalities and equalities that are linked to or result from the expanding and intensifying use of data-driven technologies in the field of education. Education systems vary from country to country, but digitalization and the increasing use of data-based technologies are shaping education policies as well as the everyday life of schooling.

Sociologists of education have paid attention to the formation of relations between local, national, and global policies and enactment of education (e.g. Lewis, Holloway, and Lingard 2022; Piattoeva and Boden 2020) Moreover, digitalization and datafication have intensified old and provided new forms of inspection, auditing, and appraisal, thus teaching professionals, as well as children and young people in educational institutions, exhibit their agency under the conditions of surveillance that has never seen before.

The 2nd symposium In/equalities in Digitalized Society 2023 provides a space for critical reflection concerning digitalization and datafication in education politics, policies, and practices. The Symposium is organised by Learning, Everyday life, and Work in Digitalized Society (DIGS) Research Community.

Registrations on-site and on-line by 5 January, 2023.



14.00 Keynote 1: Towards understanding how education digitalization and datafication contribute to perpetual nation-building
Associate Professor Nelli Piattoeva, Tampere University

Discussant Miriam Madsen, Aarhus University

15.00 Coffee break

15.30 Keynote 2: Towards Educating the Generation AI
Professor Matti Tedre, University of Eastern Finland

Discussant Pekka Mertala, University of Oulu

16.30 Wrap-up

Dinner later in the evening.

For further information, please contact Sirpa Lappalainen, email sirpa.lappalainen@uef.fi Mirjami Ikonen, email mirjami.ikonen@uef.fi or Henriikka Vartiainen, email henriikka.vartiainen@uef.fi.