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Birch tree forest in winter

Finland-Japan Seminar: Sustainable Water Management in Forested Catchment

  • Seminaari
  • Ympäristö ja luonnonvarat
Joensuun kampus, Metria-rakennus, sali M102, sekä verkossa
Yliopistokatu 7
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Finland-Japan Seminar: Sustainable Water Management in Forested Catchment is organised by the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences at University of Eastern Finland (UEF), the Green Brown project (Kone foundation) together with research community UEF Water, and Hyogo University (Japan). 

Purposes of the seminar
1. Make connection between Finnish and Japanese scientists who study water and forest
2. Integrate the studies of social and natural science relating to water and forest research
3. Sharing the knowledge of methodology for studying water and forest science
4. Discuss about practical water/forest usage for environmental protection

Seminar is open to all interested. There is no pre-reservation to attend the seminar. Welcome!


9:30-9:35 Opening remarks: Professor Mizue Ohashi, University of Hyogo, Japan

Morning: Advanced techniques for revealing water and forest dynamics

9:35-9:55 Dr. Timo Kekäläinen, University of Eastern Finland
“Chemical fingerprinting of complex organic mixtures with ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry”

9:55-10:15 Dr. Junichiro Ide, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
“An ultrahigh-sensitivity mass spectral evaluation of dissolved organic matter in rainwater moving through temperate forests in western Japan”

10:15-10:35 Dr. Hiroshi Nishimura, Kyoto University, Japan
“Fourier transform MS and NMR analyses of lignocellulose from forest trees”


10:50-11:10 Ms. Taija Saarela, University of Eastern Finland
“The effect of DOM molecular composition on microbial degradation and carbon dioxide production in subarctic rivers”

11:10-11:30 Ms. Xudan Zhu, University of Eastern Finland
“The mechanisms behind the variations of dissolved organic carbon in boreal catchments”

11:30-11:50 Ms. Jessenia Huaman, University of Eastern Finland
“Post-fire effects on DOC concentrations in streams: a meta-analysis”

Lunch break

Afternoon: Integrated study on water and forest management in human society

13:00- 13:30 Professor Nobuhito Ohte, Kyoto University, Japan
“The Value of Forests - A vision of the future for people and society living in harmony with forests“

13:30-14:00 Professor Niko Soininen, University of Eastern Finland
“The role of law in regulating forested catchments in Finland”

14:00-14:30 Professor Leena Finér, Finnish Natural Resources Institute
“Social and natural scientists working in the same project - how to learn to speak the same language?”


14:45-15:15 Dr. Ursula Strandberg, University of Eastern Finland
“Lake ecosystem responses to increased loading of organic matter from the watershed”

15:15-15:45 Professor Frank Berninger, University of Eastern Finland
“Influence of vegetation and productivity on the quality of soil water”

15:45-16:15 Professor Jukka Pumpanen, University of Eastern Finland
“REFORMWATER-project; reducing the effects of forest management to inland waters”

16:15-16:45 General discussion

16:45-16:50 Closing Remark: Professor Frank Berninger, University of Eastern Finland

For further information, please contact organisers:
M. Ohashi: ohashi@shse.u-hyogo.ac.jp
F. Berninger: frank.berninger@uef.fi
J. Pumpanen: jukka.pumpanen@uef.fi

Zoom Meeting ID: 638 580 8023, Pass code: 2qv1eL.