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Pistepilvikoealan puita metsäntutkimuksessa

Studia Generalia: Openings to next generation forest information

  • Yleisöluento
  • Webinaari
  • Ympäristö ja luonnonvarat
  • Talous ja yhteiskunta
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The Academy of Finland’s Flagship Programme is an instrument that supports high-quality research and increases the societal impact emerging from the research.

Welcome to Studia Generalia by the UNITE Flagship (Forest-Human-Machine Interplay).  

Futures images of forest-human-machine interactions

Where will forest-human-machine interplay take us?
Juha Hyyppä, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute and Juho Hamari, Tampere University

Virtual forest cuts edges towards gamified solutions
Juho-Pekka Virtanen, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute

Research examples: Drone races and other wild ideas, Pavel Alekseychik, Natural Resources Institute Finland, and gamification and game culture researchers from Tampere University

Event is free of charge and no pre-registration is needed. 

For more information, please contact Professor Teppo Hujala.

See the whole UNITE webinar series´ programme, of which the other events will be in Finnish.

Read more about Academy of Finland´s Flagship of Science UNITE on the website.

Please see information on the UNITE research group.