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Biocenter Kuopio Seminar: Spatial analysis methods

Spatial analysis methods that are available at Biocenter Kuopio will be presented.
  • Seminaari
  • Terveys ja hyvinvointi
Kuopion kampus, Mediteknia-rakennus, auditorio MD100
Yliopistonrinne 3
Lisää kalenteriin:

Biocenter Kuopio (BCK) is organizing a seminar on "Spatial analysis methods".

In this seminar, spatial analysis methods that are available at Biocenter Kuopio will be presented. After the seminar Biocenter Finland Director Olli Silvennoinen will give an overview of Biocenter Finland's future plans and other timely topics.

Biocenter Kuopio offers technology services as part of Biocenter Finland in the following areas: bioinformatics, light and electron microscopy, mammalian model organisms, biological imaging, metabolomics, single cell genomics, stem cells, structural biology, and viral gene transfers. In addition, Biocenter Kuopio offers services for biomedical imaging (especially MRI and PET) and gene diagnostics.

The seminar is open to everyone interested. Welcome!


12.15-13.30 Biocenter Kuopio services – Spatial analysis methods
Seppo Auriola, Director of Biocenter Kuopio
Mikko Kettunen, Kuopio Biomedical Imaging Unit: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission
Tomography (PET)
Laura Tomppo, SIB Labs & Kirsi Ketola, Cell and Tissue Imaging Unit: Electron and light microscopy
Minna Kaikkonen-Määttä, Single Cell Genomics core: Single cell and spatial transcriptomics technologies
Tarja Malm, In vitro and ex vivo electrophysiology: Electrophysiology.

13.30-14.00 Coffee break

14.00-15.00 Biocenter Finland's future plans and the evaluation process of Call for Technology Platforms for 2025–2028.
Olli Silvennoinen
, Director of Biocenter Finland

For further information, please contact:
Director of Biocenter Kuopio, Professor Seppo Auriola, email seppo.auriola@uef.fi, telephone +358 40 355 2469, or
BCK Coordinator, Joanna Huttunen, email joanna.huttunen@uef.fi , telephone +358 50 387 1607, and
Biocenter Kuopio webpage: https://www.uef.fi/en/service/biocenter-kuopio.